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How To Start A Podcast

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<laugh> I don't know why I feel the need to say that each time, but these are live videos.

I do hope that you all who are watching back on the replay are enjoying these and commenting and feeling you can get up to speed if you wish.

I know not every topic is going to apply to everybody.

I'm trying to definitely announce those in advance as much as possible.

I have a post going on the Jen Kilbourne Obermeier page that says here are some topics, that we have in the works.

Now something weird is happening and my camera keeps switching back and forth.

I don't know how this, I don't know how this looks.

I can check on my phone as we're getting set up here and waiting for people to log on.


Hey, Pavla! I see that you're there.

I figured out guys that, for those of you who are not getting live notifications about these videos, I figured out how to handle that.

Let me just mute my text messages here.

It looks, it looks good on the phone. I'm hoping that's the same thing you guys are seeing.

If you were not getting live notifications for live videos, the way that you want to make sure that you guys do that is to go onto the Jen Kilbourne page.

By the way, this is true for any page, obviously not just mine, <laugh> and make sure that you're liking and then following the page.

Once you do that, there will be a dropdown from the follow and this is at the top of every Facebook page.


There your following button will turn into a dropdown.

Once you can see that you can drop down and see notification settings for that page.

You want to actually click the little pencil icon to edit your notification settings, because the default for every page that you follow is to only see highlights.

I don't know what that means, except that it would only be maybe my most popular post of the week or something.

Maybe you would see that in your feed, but what you want to do is go in and switch your button, the little radio button over to standard.

It says as far as I can tell, up to five notifications from that page or all notifications from that page per day.

I promise I'm not going to be posting 20 times a day, so don't worry, but I believe that if you go ahead and switch that setting, that you will always get a notification.


If I'm doing a live video, which I'm planning to do one at least at least once a day, for the indefinite future.

I started to say a second ago, I have a post going on the page where you can see some of the upcoming topic ideas, but I have also a list going <laugh> just for me personally, that doesn't even include all of those yet.

I promise once we start digging in more and more, that I'm just going to be adding more to the list.

Again, thank you guys for joining me today.

I see Rob. I'm going to maybe try to keep this short today and keep it on topic about podcasting now.

If you've been watching some of the other chats that I have done this week, podcasting has come up a little bit, but I promised yesterday that we would come back and swing back by and talk about that today.


I can explain a little bit more about how that works, why it might be a good idea for you and just some very basics of how to get started.

Now, my podcast, my podcasting process which I will talk about is very simple, which might be a good way for you to just get started.

There are always more elaborate and complicated ways to do pretty much everything.

However, ooh, I just got a notification that my dad is live on his page.

That almost makes me want to stop what I'm doing and go watch his live video, but I can go watch his replay.

Dang, he looks great and I'm so proud of him for doing that.

I am so proud of him for doing that.

I had just was having a phone conversation with him late last night, where he was frustrated...


This is such a good topic.

He was frustrated because he has had a career in music and public speaking and storytelling and just professional entertainment essentially for his entire life.

It really bothered him every time he was testing his virtual setup for singing and speaking online.

He said his sounds, sounded horrible.

He didn't like the delay in the video.

All these little things were really starting to bog him down and get him bummed out about it because he said just the last thing he wanted to do was put something out there that was less than professional.

I said, and he goes, "How do you deal with that? Does that bother you?"

I said, yeah, that bothers me.

But if I let it bother me too much, I would've never started and I would've never kept going.


That's something I want to bring back to this conversation is let your first few videos be rough, but call them authentic because they are.

Again, if you're starting something right now, this is just as good a time as any to experiment find out what works, learn the technology and work with what you do have, and then you can always upgrade to something better later.

This is a great time for me to share about our podcast.

Podcasting is not something I knew a lot about.

Dana said, go Jen's dad. Yeah. I'm proud of him. Like so proud of him for doing that.

Because I didn't, I didn't know that was planned or maybe I wouldn't have overlapped with him. But it's all good.

Podcasting is not something I knew a lot about when I started Pro Organizer Studio.


Again, if you're just picking up, this was a side business that I essentially didn't have any idea it was going to turn into my full-time business, but I just thought, oh, it'd be nice to have a little online thing.

That was the summer of 2016 that I got really serious about it.

That was three and a half years ago, or over three and a half years ago at this point.

At that time I did not listen to podcasts.

I knew that they existed, but there were even some of the bloggers that I followed at that time or that I was familiar with and had been a part of their audience for a long time had started to launch podcasts.

I still was just - I don't care about that.


Just let me read.

I really enjoy just reading because I consider myself a speed reader and I can get through content much more quickly that way.

You know, listening to audio just wasn't something I was naturally attracted to.

Someone told me very early on in my business when I started doing live videos, and I was uploading we've talked about this in the past few days, I was talking about The Content Snowball.

I was taking those videos and I was uploading them to YouTube and someone that I actually was coaching very early on.

Like one of my first students that I ever had.

She was a professional organizer.

She'd been established for a couple years and she already, she was one of the first people ever in the organizing industry who had a podcast.


I knew that she had one and I was like yes, that is really cool.

It seemed a very foreign concept to me and I complimented her on the fact that she was in that new medium and everything.

By the way, that's Autumn. I mean I like to promo Autumn because their podcast is still going strong.

She and a friend of hers started a podcast.

Autumn is a professional organizer and her best friend Bethany was her college roommate and they are, Bethany's not a professional organizer, but they come on and talk about organizing topics.

Autumn comes from the professional side and then Bethany just brings in that real life aspect so that, they're really always talking about real life organizing topics, which I think is really cool.

You know, you have the chemistry between the two of them and I don't know, they they'll probably have to tell the story or I've been a guest on their podcast and they've been a guest on mine where they talk about the story of how they got started.


They just said, and this is really key:

They said, well, we were already talking on the phone every week about things in this umbrella of topics, Bethany's a teacher.

They said, well, what if we just recorded our conversations and made them public for people to listen in because Autumn would coach Bethany through things...

Bethany would give Autumn feedback.

Like they really played off of each other.

I really loved that because I'm sure that neither one of them would have just started a podcast on their own, but they recognized that they were having these valuable conversations that people could listen in on.

Pavla says she loves podcasts and she enjoys mine.

Rob said, he knows that they exist, but he's never really listened to them.

Really what I'm doing with these live videos - is almost a live video podcast.


It's a combination, because somebody doesn't have to watch my video to listen in.

(I don't know what I'm doing with this motion.)

They don't have to watch the video to listen in and get the same amount of information from it.

Autumn was one of the first people who I was began to be aware that podcasts were a thing that people were getting into.

Finally, I started listening to some of the bloggers that I followed, listen to their podcast.

I started thinking, this is really cool because what I found out was it wasn't just them getting on and just talking about whatever, they would have on guests.

They would do interviews, they would share tips.

Someone that I follow who's a lifestyle blogger.

I'll share that one too.


It's Lauryn Evarts at The Skinny Confidential.

She's very much super girly, talks about skincare talks about health and dieting and fashion and all kinds of all kinds of girly topics, relationships.

She's out there.

She goes into way TMI about pretty much everything, which I think is really fun to listen to, but she and her husband started their own podcast so that they could talk not only about her blog topics, but really start to expand from there.

Bring in his expertise about business building and what they were doing behind the scenes to build her influencer business.

This is so key because Kate Jones is on right now.

Kate is one of my long time students and clients who is a professional organizer and works with bloggers and influencers to build their businesses.


Kate, hopefully I'm going to get Kate on as one of my podcast (not my podcast, my live video) guests to talk a little bit more behind the scenes about how exactly do bloggers even make money, because that would be a great thing to pull in her expertise.

Anyway, I'm totally digressing.

But what I'm trying to say is when I started listening to podcasts, I still thought that they were cool and Autumn is the one who told me - she said, well, you're already doing all this video content and you're posting it to YouTube and that's how people are following you.

She told me this almost four years ago, she said, it's literally just one extra step to pull the audio out of what you're doing and upload it as upload it as a podcast.

I was oh, that's neat.


Then I still didn't do anything about it for a long, time.

<laugh> So we did not launch a podcast for Pro Organizer Studio until May of 2019.

All right, sorry.


Hello friends.

Sorry for the brief interruption in the <laugh> in the broadcast.

I will definitely have to do a little training video about how to deal with tech problems on the spot because unfortunately I have become an unofficial expert in that as well.

What just happened and I'll explain is that since I'm broadcasting from my computer, my video wanted to switch back and forth between two video camera options.

It kept freezing back and forth on my end.

I disconnected one of them.

When that happened, it ended the first broadcast.

Now we're going to start with the second one.

Let me know if you guys can see me and hear me.

I know Kate was jumping in to help me out with that and let me know that people were still there, but that the broadcast got interrupted.


My apologies, I'm going to jump back in and talk about podcasting.

I'm not quite sure where I was when you guys last were hearing me.

But all right, Kate, says she can hear me. We're talking about podcasting.

I started to listen to what people were doing and what I was seeing was that they were able to expand on their regular content.

What I noticed that the opportunity was that professional organizers who were my target audience for Pro Organizer Studio - they were listening to podcasts while they were driving, while they were at client jobs, while they were in the gym, working out and walking on the treadmill.

I saw, well, maybe there's an opportunity to just create more content that's not video, but just audio.


Therefore it would be, not a live thing that I had to commit to in actual time every week, which if you recall from my story, that's what I was doing before was actually doing a live video and telling people what time to show up.

It was that that's harder as a long term commitment because you have to block out that time forever and ever or people get confused.

But if you're pre-recording content, audio content or video content, you don't have to commit to the live schedule.

Like it's going to be every Tuesday at 9:00 PM, that kind of thing.

Thank you. Thank you for leaving a comment, Dana.

What I noticed was okay for me personally, or where I was at with my business, finally, about a year ago was we need to be doing a podcast.


Another reason why I knew that was a good move for us is because what I had learned about myself at that point is that I am very much (and you guys are probably going to laugh because I would be the last person to figure this out about myself)...

I am very much a verbal processor.

Not everybody wants to think out loud and talk out loud.

A lot of people do a lot better in the written context, with that.

If you are more of a writer or you like to get your thoughts out in a journal, if talking out loud is not how you think through problems or like to interact with people - blogging as your main way of putting out content is absolutely, a really good choice for you.

But what I missed about doing that consistent video content is that I'm a talker.


I don't know what to say about that, ha.

And obviously I know not everybody in the world likes me or likes to listen to my voice, but for people who do this, I noticed that this was a way not only to repurpose some of our video content from the past, because we do have some of the audio pulled from those old videos and upload it into podcasts.

But it was also a way for me to bring in people outside that were not just me.

I decided, and of course podcast formats can take a lot of different avenues.

I decided that doing interviews and recording that in advance and having the ability to edit it and really make it sound good and professional was something that, not only would I enjoy doing, but also I think would provide value for my audience long term.


What that looks today is we have guests that don't have to be professional organizers.

1.) I often have people who are external to the industry who are coming in and sharing about what they do and about how they help business owners.

We always want to provide value to professional organizers, because that's the overarching goal of the podcast.

But sometimes for example, one guest that I had was an energy and healing life coach.

We've had another partnership, of two girls who work together online who,help people just sell service businesses, but it's not specific to professional organizers.

We've had other external guests that were all really super interesting.


2.) Then we also pull in guests that are internal to the industry that are not necessarily related with Pro Organizer Studio - slash my students and clients.

Because I do have a lot of I have a lot of friends in the industry, so I can bring in people that are in my network.

One such person example would be, her name is Laurie Palau.

She is my competitor, but she's also my really good friend.

I mean, the way that we serve and coach people is different ,and what we offer is very different from each other, but she is internal to the industry and she brings a different perspective and we talk about different things.

That would be an example of that type of guest.

3.) Then the third type of guest that I bring on is someone who is one of my students or one of my clients where we are talking in depth about a certain topic that is relatable to the wider audience, whether it's people who are still thinking about launching their organizing business, or it could be an advanced topic about growing their organizing business, or it could be something that is just very innovative that they're doing in their business.


They're not really there to promote anything, but I just want to shine a light on people who are doing things that are new and on the leading edge of the industry.

4.) Then the fourth type of podcast type that I do, is I sometimes do new solo episodes.

What that gives me is an opportunity to talk about topics that are for my wider audience.

Like not just my students, for my wider audience, that they don't even have to be topics that are only for professional organizers, but as my interests.

For example, I got a business coaching certification last year.

Sometimes I'm talking or I have a desire to talk about things that really are applicable too much more than just the organizing industry.

<laugh> Pavla says that my voice is smooth and entertaining. I appreciate that.


I appreciate that very much because I know it's not for everybody.

They don't like the Southern accent.

They don't the ums and idiosyncrasies.

Luckily I have an amazing podcast assistant who helps smooth out a lot of my mess-ups, if you will.

I'll talk about that in a second too, the back end of how all that works.

I wanted to give you an overview the strategy that I came up with for the podcast for us.

I mentioned yesterday and I'll mention it again today.

We don't do heavy promotion, at least not for my stuff.

I don't heavily promote my own services.

We do for example, we did two retreats last year, so I didn't really, I don't sell anything on the podcast, but I did after each retreat have one of my retreat attendees come on after each time and we just laughed and recapped saying, hey, here's what happened.


Here's what it was, and what I asked them to share about their business journey and just give them an opportunity to put themselves out there and dip their toe in the water of just being interviewed and talking about their business and being out there on the internet.

What I want you to take away from this is that I use my podcast to accomplish a lot of things.

It's not just any, it's not just about me selling, it's about building community (that's a huge topic I did a whole video on the other day).

It's about building community.

It's about using the relationships that I have already.

I said at the beginning of this, which by the way now is in the other video, but it's all good - we'll edit it together.


it's about having the conversations.

Some of the conversations I would've been having already with people, I say, hey, let's do a podcast episode about this.

They're saying sure, because I already have those friendships and relationships and we're already going to be talking about those things.

We use it just to share ideas and share new directions.

I use it to promote my students, my clients, because it's not really something that is just all about me.

Like I want them to have good content that they're proud of to share with their followers.

We get a lot of things out of it that are more than just a lead magnet for Jen's coaching.

Like that is not actually really my goal with it at all.


I just, I do genuinely enjoy it.

At this point, we're doing - from May through December, we published one new episode every single Wednesday.

In December we decided to go to biweekly, for just a couple of reasons behind the scenes, really, that has much more to do with my personal life and time.

Since January we've been going biweekly, but all of the sudden, and I just had a meeting with my assistant this week who manages the podcast and some other operations stuff for our business.

I told her, I mean, we, have the ability, even though we have a set publishing schedule, we can post anything we want to at any time.

I pushed out some additional super short clips about, "hey, here are things that are going on right now," because for example, all of our regular content, we have that all scheduled out for months.


If I don't address what is happening with the coronavirus and with people not being able to work with their clients, if I don't address that for months and months - that is tone deaf to what people are going through.

I recorded some super quick episodes, just on my own solo.

I said, and I told them, I told her here, just publish this as soon as it's convenient to you.

There are no rules really about what you can do with a podcast.

Like you can use it to address what's going on right now.

Or you could really preschedule out a lot of interviews or that type of content.

We're doing a little bit of both right now.

I told her, I said, I've got enough, I have enough things to share.


Like I can pull some of the audio from these videos that I've been doing this week on the Jen Kilbourne Obermeier page.

I can pull some of that audio and push it to our Pro Organizer Studio podcast and say, hey, this is stuff that I'm talking about live right now.

It's not only for professional organizers, but if you're interested in this - maybe you want to start a podcast, you want to build an email list.

You want to create a blog because you have time right now, this might be something that you're interested in.

That can be also another way to repurpose some of the content that I'm making here.

I just want to paint the picture of what opportunities there are with the podcast.

It doesn't have to only be you being <laugh> an entertainer or a comedian.


I mean, if you are, I think that helps, but I don't actually consider myself... All I can say is that I can talk a stream of consciousness and I get really into every single interview that I do with people and I just genuinely enjoy it.

Pavla said, do I have some content calendar for the podcast?

Yes, we do. We keep an Excel spreadsheet of everything that we have scheduled out.

We'll put the name of the person.

We categorize them the way that I just explained to you guys where we have, external guests that are external to professional organizing.

We have professional organizing industry guests.

Then we have internal guests, which we consider anybody who is a student of Inspired Organizer or one of my clients.

Then I have solos, which are just me, and the good thing too about solos is that if we accidentally get behind on content - I can whip something up super fast.


What I do with that is I just literally record it.

Then I send to Brie and then she can put that in the mix.

We're good up until lately. We were several months ahead of schedule.

But I'll be honest with you.

We spent a lot of time this week rearranging some of the episodes that we had pre-planned, because some of them were more timely and relevant than others.

We wanted to go ahead and move them up.

We broke our content schedule and did, instead of every other week, we went ahead and pushed some out.

The week after on Wednesdays, is our usual publishing day.

Then I added in some of that bonus content.

I just told Brie, I said, don't even put an episode number on it, just call this all bonus content, because I don't want to confuse anybody.


I just want to say this is my way now to reach a much bigger audience, much faster than people who are going to read a blog post or are actually open an email from me.

That's something to think about when you're thinking about who your audience is, think about how they like to consume content.

If they're the type of people that like to multitask, then podcasts might be the way to go, if you're comfortable with doing it.

Like all advice that I ever give, if you're not comfortable with doing it, forget it - don't feel bad and just move on to what you do want to do.

If you are much more of just a pictures and texts person, do blogs do Instagram - don't worry about this, just do your best, forget the rest.


Whoever said that.

That's something I think about when you're thinking about, does a podcast fit in with your plan?

Here's the other thing is that if you're doing a lot of content that does rely on visuals, then a podcast might not make the most sense either, unless you can literally talk someone through what they need to be doing, or give them ideas for what they can do.

But if you're trying to give somebody a true tutorial, then leave it on video - put it on your YouTube channel, make short videos that you put on Instagram, put them on your Facebook page, but don't mess with the podcast if that doesn't really make sense for what you're teaching or what you're talking about.

Let me talk a little bit about the mechanics of the podcast.

Like literally, how do I do it?

Let me talk about tools.


I'll post a list of these things because there are a lot of options, first of all.

I think people get, again, probably way over perfectionistic about this, or overthink about it instead of just launching with something that is maybe not the most professional ever, but it's just something.

I could, if I want, for example I have a professional microphone.

I don't know if you guys could see this. Yes.

I have a professional microphone - did I buy this for the podcast? No.

I bought this when I, and we'll go into this another day too - when I first launched my course, I recorded everything just on - I plugged in my Apple headphones to my computer and I held up the little microphone piece, wherever that is here we go, held up the little microphone piece next to my face, and I talked into it and that was my professional audio when I first launched my program.

After that I went through a big, revamping and re-recording of everything to step up the professional level after an entire year of gathering updates that I wanted to make to the content - that is when I bought this microphone.


This one is not super expensive.

I want to say it's definitely less than a hundred dollars, but I want to say around $65 maybe on Amazon.

But I just did some research and a lot of people that I follow I'll use the same one.

I said, okay, that's the one I'm going to use.

I have this connected to my desktop monitor.

I also have this really cool stand thing.

It's bendable - I could stand up or whatever. I could move it around.

You guys probably couldn't hear me when I did that.

Because I moved the microphone, but that's super cheap.

Like that's all I have it just connected to the side of my standing desk - and I can move it around or whatever,  but that one small investment, if you do care a lot about your audio is going to take you really far if you're doing a podcast, that's the difference between it sounding mostly professional versus somebody who's just talking into the phone.

I will say I have my guests that I come on and do interviews...


I will say 90% of them don't have professional microphone or podcasting equipment.

They're just talking into their computer audio, or they'll have headphones connected, but they're talking into this little microphone and you know what, it's not the end of the world.

It's not bad.

I mean, I don't think anybody's complaining about that because we make a huge effort to make sure every single episode is bringing value.

Rob said his internet is spotty and I'm sorry about, I'm sorry about my break in my video, but I want, I'm wondering actually, Rob, if you're, I wonder if people are overloaded on the internet, meaning there's too many people on the internet at the same time, since everybody's trying to probably do something what I'm doing.

Anyway, hopefully, yours picks back up again tomorrow.


Now everybody's trying to work from home and stuff right now.

So, you could just launch a podcast without it being - you don't even have to really invest in even the microphone, but use the videos - all of my initial videos that I made for my business, I did all on Facebook Live on my phone and that is the audio that got uploaded to my YouTube channel.

That's the audio that got pulled out for some podcast that we uploaded later on.

I really think it's fine. I mean, I really do.

I don't want you guys to get stuck on that part.

Then here's what happens as far as recording.

I do a Zoom meeting with each of my guests that I interview.

Unless I'm just recording a solo, which those are far fewer of my episodes are solos.


If I record a solo, I hook up my microphone and I just have my computer start recording and you can use any program to do that.

You can use iMovie - that's a program that's already on your computer to record audio.

I also have a paid program called Screenflow, which I use if I'm doing - that's how I recorded all of my course content, but I also can record audio-only content or I can record screen tutorials with Screenflow.

That was something that I chose to spend money on early on, because I was using it for so many different things.

I want to say that was a hundred dollars.

I think I've upgraded it once or twice since then, because that's been a while ago, but that is a program that I definitely use and recommend, but that's for me because I have a Mac.

For Windows, there's a paid program called Camtasia that gives you all the same capabilities that Screenflow does.


If I'm recording the solo, the solo episode, then I just hit audio record, obviously not video.

I just record my script, then I'll go back through and I'll edit it a little bit if I need to myself, and then I send it to, Brie who does the rest and we'll get to what Brie does in just a second.

But if I'm doing a guest interview, what's really helpful is to be on a Zoom meeting because even though you're not going to use the video anywhere, it's really helpful to see the person that you're talking to.

Because if you are asking a question and you see them start to say something, it helps you guys not interrupt each other.

Having that visual aspect, I feel helps your flow more if you're doing interview content.


That is something definitely to keep in mind.

I use Zoom's recording function, to record what we talked about.

Then after, the fact, then we edit it.

There are other options that are probably better than Zoom.

I can't think of what the name of this one program is off the top of my head, but there is a cloud app for podcasters that helps them get even better connection than Zoom and even better recording quality than Zoom, but you don't have the video aspect to it.

In fact, every time I've been a guest on a podcast, they use something other than Zoom.

Maybe that should be a clue to me that there are better options.

But again, I just really love being able to see the person I'm talking to.


There you have it.

But yeah, for sure all those podcasts were probably more professional than mine and they spend, they invest more money and time into it because it's a bigger driver of actual revenue for them.

But Zoom will get you want to where you want to go, especially when you're just getting started.

That is how I would recommend setting that up.

I will tell you <laugh> I cannot emphasize enough that we edit the heck out of our podcast episodes.

They do not come out of the box sounding the way that they sound on the podcast because here's what happens on the back end.

My guest and I, we get on Zoom and we just talk as friends or just as if it were super casual conversation for a few minutes.


We recap where we plan to go with the podcast and I'll reassure them and I'll say it - because a lot of my guests have never been on a podcast before.

I'll reassure them saying, hey, this is very casual.

If we need to just stop and regroup or stop and talk about the direction we want to go...

I reassure them and I say to them, Brie's going to edit this later and I'll stop in the middle of our video and I'll speak to Brie, because I know that Brie is going to be editing it later.

I'll say, Brie, take that part out and start over at X, Y or Z - wherever we were before that I'll make comments to her about the editing while we're actually having the conversation, because I know that when she's doing it later, she'll know exactly what I'm talking about, because we're like this (close!)


But anyway, so I'll reassure my guests, if I ask you a question, it didn't make sense, or if you get hung up on a, on a question, don't worry.

Just say scratch that and start over.

I tell them, just do that and we'll edit it later.

That's how it ends up coming out smooth on the other side.

I do tell Brie sometimes - you know, I want it to feel very authentic and very natural, but she knows that sometimes when I'm trying to think out loud, because I am verbally processing that I'll say, "um" a lot or you know, or literally, I mean, I don't like all those speech idiosyncrasies, but I have not hired a professional person to remove them from my body.

They're still there. Sad.

She'll <laugh> so she'll smooth those things out and she doesn't take everything out, but she'll take out those awkward moments where I say, hey, just try to make me look I know what I'm doing.


She probably deserves a raise for that, but she enjoys doing it very much and she's very good at it.

That is how that works.

I mean, it's just a phone call.

It's just like any other Zoom call.

We do have a questionnaire that we send - well, let me tell you about how we get our guests.

For some of those people - I already know them - they're the ones who are my friends in my network and I'll say, hey, I want to have you on the podcast.

I'll tell Brie, hey, I have Lupe scheduled for blah, blah, blah.

Here's the topic we're going to do.

Brie will say, okay, then Brie will send our detailed questionnaire where we ask Lupe, how do we want to approach this?

Or what questions would you like me to ask?


Where do we want to drive people to at the end of the day?

Like your website, your Instagram - what is the call to action for that particular person?

Sometimes people do have something that they can offer or that they sell.

We want to make sure that we get, we say that on the podcast verbally so that people who are just listening on audio will remember it later.

Then we also put it in the show notes, and the show notes refers to anything that you see in the description - when you're listening to a podcast on iTunes or Google, there is often a description of the episodes that you actually know what it's about.

There will be links that goes back that go back to either the podcast website or possibly the guest website.

We want to make sure that we just have everything all in one place for our listeners so that they're not saying, hey, I heard you guys talking about this thing, but I never could figure out where it was we'll even put in - if Lupe comes on and we talk about our favorite book, then I'll make sure that I have a link to Amazon, to that book that we referenced 14 times in the podcast, because that makes it easier for our listeners to follow up on that.


If you guys were listening to me the other day where I said, I don't use affiliate links super heavily in my business.

That is one place where I'll throw an Amazon affiliate link because it's saying, hey, we're driving them to maybe buy the book.

Maybe they're not - we don't have tons of listeners, but that's one place where we'll just, we'll just make an affiliate link because hey, if they buy the book great, or if they buy something else while they're there this little money back to Pro Organizer Studio.

That's another option.

That's one way that a lot of the big podcasters do monetize their podcasts is they're not necessarily selling something to their listeners, but they do affiliate links or they do sponsorships or little audio advertisements inside the podcast itself.

If you're not aware that that's happening, that is definitely happening.

Let me pause and hydrate and read the question.


Dana said I'm just using Zoom because my podcast is great.

Thank you.That means a lot to me.

<laugh> Pavla said, where do you record your solo and what platform do you use?

Pavla, I have an app called Screenflow on my computer.

I'll sit here at my desk with my microphone and I'll just read my script.

Because usually if it's a solo, I script it out so that I know where I'm going with it.

You can tell the difference obviously between those types of episodes versus the "free flow" episodes that the interviews are.

They just they have a different type of energy, but that gives me a way to incorporate topics that I'm just happen to be personally interested in.


That's how I do that.

Pavla said, what do you use to convert the audio from, let's say YouTube video. These technicalities are so interesting.

Good question.

Once you download your video, I'm really glad you asked that because I don't think I would've thought to bring that up.

Once you download your video from Facebook, it will download into a file type called an MP4.

To my understanding what that means, I'm sure somebody knows better than me, but an MP4 is a video that also has audio to it.

If you open that video inside any type of editing software that you have, whether that's something that is just iMovie or something like Screenflow again, which is what I use, then you can export once you open the video, you can export that into a different file type.


An audio file type would be an MP3 or an M4a - and I don't know what the difference is between the two of those, but I know that they're both audio only, and that is the file type that eventually is going to be uploaded to your podcast host.

I touched on this briefly yesterday, the podcast host that we use is called Libsyn.

It's a combination of words lib <laugh> liberated or library.

I don't know, it's L I B S Y N - it's either library or liberated syndication.

That's the one we use. There are several different podcast hosts.

This is what Brie does:

Brie, once I send her that raw, saying, hey, here's the interview, I'll send her notes.


Sometimes I'll send her notes that say, you'll know what to do, because she'll know what to do.

Like she'll hear me either say in the audio, Brie, cut that out or hang on, let me start again.

She'll hear me say it.

Or sometimes, what'll happen is I'll make notes while I'm having a conversation with somebody, as a host.

I'll say, hey, I said the S word - 20 minutes in <laugh> and the reason why I'll tell her that is because I want to keep it clean, not explicit.

Or another thing I'll say sometimes, or I'll make a note that says, we went around in circles or jumped back and forth between topics.

Sometimes she'll cut and slice little pieces together so that they make more sense versus us jumping back and forth between topics.


I'll just make notes about what I think would be most helpful for it to sound really smooth, coming across to our listener.

Other times I'm sure that she just smooths things out without me even asking, because she'll know, hey, that didn't sound as good as you probably wanted it to, or didn't make as much sense.

Or you had a really long pause.

I don't know.

Like sometimes that happens or if you hear the dog barking in the background, not me, I don't have any dogs, but sometimes other people do, she'll know to take that part out.

If you're editing your own podcast, which you will be probably when you're first starting, all of these things will be very obvious to you with how you want it to sound.


You'll start to be able to notice - here are the things that I care about, here are the things that are okay with me.

That when you are outsourcing this to an assistant, hopefully one day you can just say here's how I like for it to go.

Where were we?

You convert that to MP3 or M4 a or whatever, once she has edited it, she also puts in an intro and an outro - and these, my podcast intro and outro, were both professionally recorded by a voiceover actress.

I found her on Fiverr.

I want to say it cost me a hundred dollars to have her record the, "This is the Pro Organizer Studio podcast with Jen Obermeier, blah, blah, blah."


Like whatever we wrote.

Brie has those files and she just inserts it into the beginning and end of every single podcast.

We have a little music jingle too.

Oh, I'm going to put a link after this video about music jingles because that's another good little resource that I probably would've forgotten about that we do use.

I'll have to look up which website that I have found my music on, but you can't just put any music on there because there are copyright things to think about and you know, music rights.

You've got to have music intros that you have purchased the rights or you have the license to use.

Something else to think about, don't just put anything else.

Don't just put any Lizzo music out there or whatever.

So Brie, once she has this video and audio file finalized...


I don't know how long it takes her. I think some take her longer than others.

Obviously sometimes people's connection is not as good when I'm doing the interview.

She'll have to spend a lot more time editing out the little audio idiosyncrasies, not necessarily from what we say, but just you'll hear little audio issues.

We want to make it sound as good as possible.

Some of the obviously best podcast interviews that we have, or the easiest ones for her to edit were when my guests also had professional equipment.

I will say that's something to take into consideration when you're thinking about, if you're going to have a very guest heavy podcast - if you're mostly communicating or mostly bringing on other guests who are used to doing podcasts or have their own podcasts or are used to doing their own content - they're likely to have such good equipment that you're not going to spend as much time trying to worry about the quality.


If you're going to be editing it yourself, it's something to just take into consideration.

Brie takes that audio file and she uploads it to Libsyn.

<laugh> And that podcast host, and I don't understand exactly how this works because, luckily, with our podcast, with it only being a year old, I didn't really ever have to do this part by myself.

I very much trust her to do this for me, obviously.

With Libsyn somehow she puts in all the information the title, text, then Libsyn pushes that out to Apple iTunes, to Google podcasts, to Spotify podcasts, to all of the podcast platforms where you actually listen to a podcast, it picks it up from Libsyn, which I guess is where the syndication part of their name comes from.


Then in addition to that, you can pull the audio link from Libsyn and Brie puts it inside a blog post, meaning that you don't even have to have a podcast app to listen.

You don't even have to have a phone or podcast place that you listen to podcasts to listen to our podcast - because you can listen to it directly inside of a blog post that you pull up in your browser, either on your phone or on desktop.

She makes all of that happen after the fact.

She goes through and makes timestamped notes about the episode.

That let's say I did an interview with somebody and only half of it was interesting to a particular person and they wanted to skip ahead and be able to jump right to, hey, where's the part where they talked about marketing or whatever, the particular thing they were interested in.

With Brie doing that extra step, then we have made that content even more consumable for our listeners versus just throwing it out there and saying, hey, we did this thing for you.


Like good luck.

I hope you enjoy.

If you don't have a lengthy description that says what this was even about, people won't listen, no matter how good it is.

If you don't have links, people get frustrated.

If you don't have the timestamps, it's harder.

Not only for people to just jump to where they want to go inside the audio content, but it's also harder for you later to remember who was the person that I talked about da, da, da, da... about this thing.

It essentially helps us keep a detailed library, and cross-reference every single time that we talked about virtual organizing or authoring books.

Like every time that has come up on the podcast, we want to just almost be tagging the topics themselves and breaking it down so that we can continue to link to those podcasts every time that they're relevant on the blog or every time somebody asks about that topic.

We do that either inside of our course, because we'll sometimes say we teach this certain topic inside the course, but oh, by the way, we also had somebody came on the podcast who talked about that - because sometimes even our students don't even realize we even have a podcast where it's additional learning and additional place to soak things in and hear how people are applying the information.


It's a lot, but it's as you can see - if you're doing a podcast you're really creating a huge, free resource for people.

If you decide to do that, then you are becoming, or you're staking your place in the ground, as one of the leaders in your particular industry, because it is not just something that you can just throw together in your free time and have it be really quality.

I guess, I don't know... I just want to take a second to recognize obviously how much Brie does.

Like I wouldn't be able to do this without her and I definitely wouldn't be as consistent as I am without her.

Even if you guys, even if all you do right now is just take the audio from your live videos and push it out there - that will start to become a resource that you can send people to again and again, over the entire course of your business.


Then hopefully, maybe one day you have somebody as amazing as Brie is who helps you keep it more categorized and organized and as much of a go-to resource as possible.

Pavla said, thank you for the technical answers. It is absolutely my pleasure.

Let me talk about a few things that we do with the podcast after we publish it.

<laugh> So there's definitely a whole process involved in this.

I asked Brie if she would come on today to talk with me about this, but I gotta be honest with you.

I probably gave her four hours of heads up and it's a Sunday and she's trying her best to you know, recuperate from the week.

Totally understand why she didn't want to, but here's what we do with podcast afterwards.

We promote that all over the place.


A couple of days ago I talked about the fact that I don't absolutely love Instagram.

One of the things that we do use Instagram for is to promote our podcast.

We publish that to our stories, our Instagram stories, every single week that we publish, and we will tag our person that we interviewed and we give them graphics to share so that they can share it on their page.

They can share it with their audience.

Like we want to make them look good.

We have their very best picture and this great bio about them so that people, not only can my audience learn about them, but then they'll share it with their audience and their audience will be oh my God, you are a guest on a podcast - fancy, you know?

It's definitely a cross-collaboration every single time, no matter who it is.


Because it gives them that added authority of yes, I've spoken on this topic on a podcast.

This is my thing.

Even if they don't have a product or a service that they're necessarily promoting it just makes them look good in the long run and gives them some media authority and exposure.

Then of course it's always great when people share it with their audiences and sometimes they have way bigger audiences than even we do, but they don't have their own podcasts.

It gives them a way to be in that medium and they reach new people and then we reach new people as well.

It certainly helps grow our audience over time, even though - I said, a few days ago, the niche that Pro Organizer Studio serves is ultimately still very small.


But we want to be innovative and creative and collaborative in the industry.

That's what we want to be known for.

I don't want it to be all about me.

I want it to be about community.

This is one of our ways that we do that.

That's really a big deal to me.

So we promote every podcast on Instagram, on our Facebook page.

Certainly give it to share to the audience of the person that we interviewed.

Then, what else?

We certainly refer back to it as a resource all the time.

Especially if it's a really good topic <laugh>, and with us only being a year in, we're still exploring new topics.

If it's come up on the podcast, we will share it with our student group.


We'll say, hey, if you want to learn more we did a podcast episode about that or that there is somebody who is teaching that.

You can learn more about that.

Let me give you another example:

Even though professional organizers are not life coaches, a lot of them are interested in life coaching.

We've had a couple of different life coaches come on the podcast, in various ways a professional organizer who is also doing life coaching, someone who does only life coaching.

Sometimes those peripheral topics that aren't really taught inside my course, but that we have people that are interested in - it gives us a way to send them to that content without having to constantly answer the same question over and over again, not because we don't want to, but just because we think it's so much more valuable for them to get it in that format and to hear it directly from the source, if that makes sense.

Kate has a question and then Pavla has a question. These are both really good questions.

Kate said, how much time would you say it takes to produce one episode scheduling, recording, editing, creating graphics, sharing, and posting.


Yeah, there's, two different answers for that.

1.) One is how much time does it take me?

2.) The second one is how much time does it take my guest?

Then a lag, because there's a third answer.

3.) How much time does it take Brie?

Because it takes that WHOLE group of people to make it all work.

At this point I will say I probably spend 20 or 30 minutes of prep for each episode.

Again, that depends on who it is and that depends on how well I know the person - there are certain guests that I have on that I know it's going to be just a free-flowing conversation with a friend and I don't do any prep at all.

Like we just jump on and I say, okay, let's dive into this.


Sometimes if it's someone that I don't know well in advance, I need to research a little bit about their website, what they're offering, especially if they're external to the professional organizing industry, I've got to get up to speed on what they're all about and you know, I'll check out their Instagram and I'll look at their blog posts and what they usually talk about.

Obviously I want to seem, <laugh> up to speed on what it is that they do - so that I would say 20 or 30 minutes for each one.

If I'm writing a solo episode that sometimes takes me a little longer, depending on what the topic is.

Let me tell you'all a secret: when I was doing my grad school for business coaching, some of my papers that I had to write, I turned into podcast episodes, because why not?


<laugh> I just edited it.

I don't know why I have a hard time saying that word, but edit it a little bit and then record it as a podcast, because I already spent all the time writing it.

That happens sometimes for creating the episodes.

I spend the actual time talking on the Zoom meeting for probably about an hour.

Each time, some are shorter, some are longer.

Then of course, sometimes we just sit there and talk afterwards and then I say, okay, Brie, that was where to cut it off <laugh> and she'll know the rest of it is just chit chat.

There's that part.

Then Brie, that's a really good question.

I'm going to have to get her to follow up how long it takes her to edit.

It depends on the episode.


If I'm pre-recording something for her, it takes no time.

We try to do one of those per month to where it's just a solo that I've already done and she doesn't have to edit at all.

All she has to do is put in the intro and outro and then do the uploading.

Lupe said that was genius to turn the papers into podcast - girl! I was a little pressed for time last year, so I thought, why not?

Brie does the graphics, and she uses templates for everything.

If you guys go on my blog, for example, you'll notice that all of the graphics and photos are all extremely similar.

I don't think it takes her very long at all to substitute out the pictures of either the people or, we'll make a Pinterest pin image for each one.


That probably takes her three seconds to update the title and update the image.

We have all those templates set up and then for sharing and posting, I know that she pre-schedules all of that stuff.

I think that she likes to try to batch as much of it as possible in advance.

She also does those - this is a really good question. I don't even know how she does this.

She does those audiogram in Instagram posts, or Instagram story posts where it's a little clip of the podcast itself where she'll pick out me saying something interesting or my guest saying something interesting.

It's a teaser that drives people to the episode.

We link, we do the Instagram audiogram stories.

Every single time we have a new episode and she'll put that into Instagram and into Facebook.


I forgot to mention up until this point that we also have, as an additional freebie, we have a call to action in our podcast to - by the way, when it comes to calls to action and lead magnets and all that stuff...

I talked about this very heavily yesterday in the chat about email lists.

Our main call to action is to go to our lead magnet, which is saying, hey, get the roadmap for launching and growing your organizing business.

You could make something that for your business that obviously suits your topic.

But we also have a free Facebook group, that is just for podcast listeners.

We call it our "podcast insiders group".

Inside that group, we will post all new episodes.

We will sometimes put out little clips advance of things that are coming up on the podcast.


Some sometimes we'll do a post that says, hey, here's our upcoming guest, which you wouldn't know - we don't publish that information anywhere else, except for the podcast group.

Then other times we'll say, who do you guys want to hear?

What are your topics that you want to request because we're planning our content in advance, which we do plan our content in advance.

Brie does a lot of -  not a lot ongoing, but we have at times really focused on trying to get ahead on the podcast.

She'll reach out to people who have been requested or people who I know that I want to have on the podcast.

She'll reach out in advance and say, hey, would you be interested?

Because we're scheduling something for next quarter.

She does some outreach and we definitely base that off of the requests that we get in that podcast group  in Facebook.


That's another place that we promote all of our free things.

Like I said, we never sell - we don't sell anything through the podcast or ever directly tell people saying, hey, how you need to pay us to continue to working together.

We just use it as a nurturing and community building mechanism.

We say in passing enough times - I'll say in passing, hey, this is somebody who I've been working with one-on-one so that people, if they've been listening long enough, we'll go, oh, if I want to, I could probably work with Jen one-on-one.

They can go to the website and request more information on that, for one-on-one coaching or I'll also mention in passing that someone is a member of the Inspired Organizer program.

That way, as people get to know me and get to know our content, they eventually realize that's the primary way that I teach and share my business model, and have that whole community living inside the Inspired Organizer course.


Like that's the one thing that I sell in fact, other than just one off coaching, or the one off retreats.

The idea is that they build awareness of what we are and what we do and what I'm about.

Not that they are being ever pitched or hard sell ever on podcasts or any free content.

I think that people need that in a lot of cases, depending on what your topic is, people need some time where they're just learning and they're dipping their toe in the water.

They're trying to figure out if this is even the direction that they want to go, right?

Because I don't want anybody to buy my course that doesn't even know if they want to be a professional organizer - that doesn't make a lot of sense.

When you're in that research stage of thinking about - let me use a different topic - let's say you're a coach that focuses on career development and career change.


There's going to be a period of time where people are still researching and thinking about it before they're actually really sure or really know what their next step is going to be.

That would be the time to be nurturing them with podcast content, free content, your freebie, whatever it is, whether it's an ebook or top 10 tips for whatever.

That's the strategy behind that.

Pavla said, do you send out an email that you have a new episode to your list?

I don't, and that's so dumb.

<laugh> I don't know why I don't do that, but we only have, hang on, let me take a sip of this Lacroix.


We only send out emails to people that have opted in for something.

Like if they've opted into the lead magnet roadmap that I keep referencing, that's our main freebie that people can get, or we also have a webinar that is free.

I's a free class or free webinar that has really good content.

But if they want to join the Inspired Organizer program, that's where they learn more about what is in the program.

All the details about it, just for them to figure out is it the right fit for them because it's not the right fit for everybody.

If someone has ever registered for our webinar or registered or signed up for that lead magnet, that is the only time that they would start to get emails from us so that we don't (currently) have just a regular email newsletter.


We have a long-term, slow-drip followup with those people where we're continuing to send them free content.

But would it be smart to probably promote the podcast content in there?

Yes, it would.

I'll just say that's been on the back burner of my to-do list for a long time, but I just haven't made that a priority <laugh> so there you have it, there's a way that I can improve.

I should probably do that.

Lupe asked, where did I create my podcast cover art?

What she's referring to is on Apple or Google podcasts, wherever you listen to podcast, there will be a square that stands out on your podcast app.

If you're say you're subscribed to, you know - 12 different podcasts or recently updated.


I don't know if you guys can see this.

So here are the top six podcasts that I'm subscribed to - this one right here.

That one right there is me.

I'm subscribed to my own podcast. Yes I am.

But what you want is to have this cover, this cover art square, that not only looks it belongs with all your other podcasts, but also stands out and is readable.

It seems to be pretty typical.

Like if you look at the top six podcast that I'm subscribed to, you have a photo of the person who's the main host, which is what I have.

Then you have the title of the podcast.

Some people actually, most people other than me, no, maybe not everybody.

Most people have the title of their podcast and then some tagline that says what the podcast is about.


Mine doesn't, it's just a picture of me.

Then it says Pro Organizer Studio.

For example, here's another person that I'll listen to.

Her name is Kris Plachy and she is one of Brooke Castillo's coaches at The Life Coach School, or she's trained by Brooke Castillo at The Life Coach School.

Her podcast is called Lead Your Team for Female Entrepreneurs.

Then it says, there's a picture of her.

It says with Kris Plachy.

I guess maybe with my podcast cover art, I'm assuming that people know who I am, because I just noticed that in the other five podcast covers, it says with James Wedmore or with Brooke Castillo.

Maybe I need to update that, but at any rate, what you mainly want is just to have a photo of you and have your title.


Some people will say what it's about.

For example, James Wedmore says it is The Mind Your Business podcast with James Wedmore, then his tagline is "Creating success from the inside out."

Mine should probably say, professional organizing business advice or ideas or whatever, for professional organizing - it's just the business side.

We don't, I don't ever talk about *how to* organize something because that's just not, I mean, that's not our business focus or what I'm particularly interested in.

But then I should probably also have with Jen Kiilbourne Obermeier, but once you click into each individual episode, you're going to get detailed information and timestamps about everything that's included in the episode.

If someone is searching inside their podcast app for something about professional organizing, our stuff is going to come up for sure.


Because we have detailed information in every single episode.

Kate said, "What tech do you use to grab the audio from live videos? Not on Zoom. Was it Libsyn?"

Oh, so no, I open the video, I open, I download the live video and then I open it in your editing app - whatever your editing software is, I use Screenflow, and then you export it as a different file type.

You want to export it as an MP3, for audio only.

Then after that you can open it again in your editing software and just edit the audio to make it sound super smooth.

Lupe said, I should definitely add my name to my cover art.

That's now on my todo list <laugh>  oh, you asked how I created the cover art - it's just in Canva.


Canva is a free graphic design software that is online.

I mean, I have the paid version of Canva just because, it's so easy and I use it for so many things and that's been really helpful for me, but you don't have to have something super fancy.

It's just a square image exactly like you would have on Instagram.

I use the same, just the same cover art for every single episode.

Some people will update it for every episode, so that it'll be, say episode 59 and its topic and person, but we don't do that.

We just keep it very simple.

Let me know if I missed any details on your questions there, because those were really good questions.

Here are most of the resources I just mentioned.


Something else that I've done, I'm just giving you guys every ninja trick that I can think of...

Something else that I've done is that I have every, this is mind boggling...

I have every video, live video that I've ever done has been transcribed into text so that I could theoretically clean those up and turn them into blog posts or rerecord them very slowly, professionally, no speech idiosyncrasies.

I could record those back into streamlined podcasts again, if I wanted to - I haven't done that.

I have pulled topics out of that raw stream of consciousness content.

I have pulled topics out before to turn into blogs or share in other ways.

But that would be another thing that you could do to create content really quickly.


One, <laugh> one tip that I do want to give you because the other day we're talking about different things you can do to outsource some of these things.

The reason why I have every video transcribed is because early on I got all of them done on Fiverr.

It was probably by a person who was using, what's the word? It was Google drive - you can do automatic machine audio transcription on Google drive.

They were probably, they were probably streaming my video and holding it up to the computer so that the computer was automatically transcribing it.

They were horrible transcriptions.

Like I cannot tell you how bad they were, but they were super cheap because at that time I just needed them transcribed, because I don't want to go back and listen to all my content again and think about how to make it into a blog post.


I need it in text format so I can just go clean it up.

Fiverr is absolute trash if you're doing any project that long term, Rev is so much better. is what I use for all transcriptions now because it's they take it four or five steps beyond what those really badly done auto transcriptions are.

They actually clean it up into - it still reads the way you said it, but they actually clean it up into partial sentences and put punctuation, they will capitalize words.

They remove all your ums.

You know, I just have to say - sometimes it just makes a lot of sense to go ahead and spend a little bit more money on something so that you're not going to create this bigger project for yourself.

Like if you get them all done on Fiverr and you have all this content now, but now you still have to pay somebody or yourself to go into it and clean it up into something readable?


That is one of my biggest tips is not only is it really helpful because you're not going to remember forever what you said on every video, but go ahead and have somebody transcribe it so that it's actually almost ready to go essentially into a blog post or you can make a blog post that embeds your video either from YouTube or from Facebook and then below it for your blog post is just the transcription of what you said.

One of my most popular YouTube videos ever was an interview I did with another YouTuber.

Her name is Nikki Boyd and that one video has gotten so many more views than all of the other interviews that I've ever done on YouTube that I went ahead - because she's just really well known.


She has probably 400,000 followers at this point and just this huge business.

Because so many people watched that video, I thought to myself, this needs to be transcribed so people can have it as a blog post too.

That was just another way to repurpose one single piece of content.

I had that transcribed.

I cleaned it up myself because it was one of those really awful transcriptions, but I cleaned it up myself into something that read our interview went and you know, put - Jen, Nikki, Jen, Nikki, Jen Nikki.

Like that's a blog post.

That also helps our website rank for when people are searching for topics that come up in Nikki's video.

It's good for our SEO.

We haven't talked at all about SEO yet in these videos, but we'll have to do that on another video as well.


That's on my topic list.

But a lot of these things that you're doing by creating - when we talked about The Content Snowball the other day and podcasts are definitely the next level above this, the Content Snowball that you're creating with the live videos, you can reuse all of what you're doing in so many ways.

Transcriptions are super important because not only can that be a value added to all of your blog posts and all of your podcasts, but you can also create new content out of that.

Like you could have somebody create an ebook out of your first 10 transcriptions of all of your videos that had your major points and content, the pillar content that you wanted to get across.

You could pay somebody to make an ebook out of that.


Then you could sell that on Amazon.

Like there's again, I haven't done that myself, but I know it is very possible, to reuse all of these things that you're doing in a lot of other formats.

But at the heart of it though, people do feel they get to know you through video, but then they'll enjoy consuming your content in other ways - maybe they don't have time to go back and re-listen to 10 hours of your podcasts or 20 hours of your live videos, but they would gladly buy an ebook that condensed all your main points, into something that they could buy for $10 or whatever.

Then even in your ebook, you can use that to continue to drive them towards your coaching offers, your course, your paid workshop, video series - whatever it is that you're doing to monetize all of this, your podcast can be a way to nurture people into it.


Those transcriptions can be used for blog content to help you get found and to help drive people back to you.

The the options are truly limitless and I hope that this is not overwhelming, but inspiring because <laugh> - I said, with the Content Snowball video the other day, the most important thing is to simply, I know it's not simple, but to just get started and to let it be just good enough.

It doesn't have to be perfect.

Perfect, but just good enough to get it out there.

Then your confidence will start to grow and you'll feel really excited to keep doing it.

People will keep asking you questions and you'll keep thinking of new things to add into the mix.

All right, Pavla says she's going to come and buy me a huge dinner!


It better be huge.

<laugh> just kidding.

I would love that and or the next time I'm in New York City, we'll have to get together again too, because  it's been way too long.

I will say ladies, I'm not sure if there were any guys on, I know Rob was on at the beginning and he had to jump off, but ladies who were still here, thank you guys for sticking with me.

My apologies again about the tech issues at the beginning, but I hope that you enjoyed this.

I will definitely follow up with resources.

As far as the podcast tools, we talked about the apps, we talked about services like to help make things easier.

Because again, the biggest part is you show up, you give - just like I'm doing right now - and then you can have other people help you on the back end, which is super important.


Kate says a group date in New York City. Oh Kate and Pavla do you guys know each other?

Because if you don't, boom you're best friends.

<laugh> I love introducing people that I know online, especially the two of you I know will get along great.

Dana said, thank you. I'm so glad that you guys were here.

I will be back tomorrow. I'll post, tomorrow, what time and what topic.

Again, if you guys missed at the very beginning of the chat today, I gave an update.

If you are not getting notifications about all live videos from my page, what you want to do is go onto Jen Kilbourne - you want to hit "like" and follow.

Then once you do that, there will be a dropdown menu under follow.

There will be a little edit button - a little pencil for edit notifications because the default is that it only gives you highlights.


I think that for some people they get notifications of live videos and other people don't, because I don't know if I'm considered a highlight depending on who else they follow.

But if you can edit that to say standard and standard says it will give you up to five notifications per day of all notifications that a page does.

I promise you, I won't be posting more than five times a day.

If you want to make sure you're getting notified every time I go live, that's what to do.

Pavla said she and Kate are going to get together and talk about me, which I'm totally fine with, especially in times like these, whatever you've got to do to socialize.

<laugh> I'm completely all for it.

I hope you guys have a wonderful night and we'll talk soon. Bye!

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