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How To Be A Productive Content Creator

content creation productivity season 2 training replay


Hello, Facebook it's Jen! This is a new episode of the vlogcast.

Hope you guys are all doing well.

This was not, super pre-planned in advance.

Per usual, if you show up here live, I appreciate you.

If you're watching on the replay, this is valuable.

I decided last night that I needed to talk about productivity.

Couple different reasons.

One is people think of me as a very organized and productive person.

I think that I really needed to get it off my chest that many times I am not.

This vlogcast was primarily created during 2020 - 2021 to help answer some questions I was getting about a variety of different types of content creation, where the people were starting, a podcast, starting a blog, wanting to create a course.

In the interest of being totally transparent with this being something that I have been doing for quite some time, and I was reviewing my last month and realizing that I was completely stuck because I was listening to all this normal mainstream productivity advice.


I felt maybe we should just circle back and do a reset on things that I think actually work.

And some things that do not work for me at all.

I said, if you are there, leave a comment, say hello. I would love to hear from you.

If you do watch this on the replay comment anyway, and tell me what you get out of this, tell me what questions you have.

Because I feel this is probably something I can talk about for more than one episode.

If you want to hear more about it, let me know that.

I was reviewing January and I don't know if this happens to you if you have children, but January is the worst possible month for you to actually plan to do a project on an actual time period.

Maybe that's one because we overestimate how much we think we can accomplish in January, because we have so much energy for it being the new year and getting through the holidays.



This perfectly planned scheduled out project happens in your planner.

Then in January, absolutely nothing can go to plan by design because it's your kids are out of school for weather cancellations, at least in the area of the country that I live in.

You're stuck at home because you're quarantining because somebody might have COVID or your kids can't go to school.

So now half of your brain is now thinking about that instead of the stuff that you actually want to sit down and do, lots of other things just seem to come up, whether related, I don't know.

It seems to never fail. hey, Lisa, it's good to see you.

It seems to never fail that, whatever it is that I plan to be my big January project with all that energy never actually happened.


I thought, okay, February 1st is a good time to review and reflect on why we do this to ourselves every single year.

If you know what I mean, hit the reset button.

In reviewing January, there were some things that actually did still happen despite all of my best intentioned plans, not going to plan.

Those were things that I had an appointment for.

This sounds the most, basic, silly observation of all time, but I still even despite all of those things that happened as a challenge in January, I still showed up for all of my appointments that I actually had with a doctor, health provider, or something, anything financial related, trips that had been planned, traveling a lot for volleyball with my daughter right now.


All of that happened.

I was still on time.

I got her to all of her practices, because they were, there was something I was accountable to that was outside of myself, plans with friends I still showed up for as long as it was completely feasible.

There, I think my big aha moment of the last month is I don't have a productivity problem.

I have an accountability problem in terms of, there are things that I can be accountable for that are external to me, but when it comes to refocusing back to what we think of as things that we need to be productive about, which is not just kids and house and regular personal life, we think we need to be productive with our work, whether we are, we have new projects or we're doing a side hustle situation, and those things end up getting put on the back burner or whatever.


I thought that I was going to get accomplished in the hours of the month that I had planned ahead actually made little to no progress at all.

If you can, if you can relate to this at all, have you ever heard - we know that there are productivity gurus.

In fact, I signed up for somebody's little monthly program that got marketed to me perfectly on Instagram, about regaining your focus, getting back in control of your to-do list.

This guy who's supposed to be this productivity guru and I signed up and then canceled after a week because it just wasn't jiving with me, the way that he approached things.

But because the problem is not that I don't know how to make plans and that's what all the productivity tips seem to be about is okay, getting all your ideas together making goals, working your way backwards on how you're going to reach those goals.

I love planning <laugh> I have no problem making plans.

I can make plans for other people.

I can make plans for myself.

The thing though is that I think that the dirty secret that I don't sharing about my, the way that I actually get work done is that I make those plans, but I never stick to them ever because...


What actually ends up happening when I'm by myself working solo is that I end up doing whatever the heck I want to do.

It's more jumping around to okay, now that I've made that plan and got it out of the way, what is actually bubbling up - I'm inspired to do that.

I'm motivated to do things that I have ideas now about.

It almost seems this cruel joke that keeps happening where we are trying to beat ourselves into submission and it's just never going to happen.

I in February am trying out a completely new system that I'm designing for myself, which is more in line with the way that I can actually get things done.

One of those things is, that I am going to stop trying to plan out how and when I am going to get my work projects done.


By that, I mean something similar to what you guys might be working on.

Anything that's content creation - the things that I'm working on right now are much more self reflective and self motivated.

They don't involve really collaborating with other people.

It's a lot of writing.

It's a lot of creating new content that is in a different direction and it a bigger, different direction than I had gone before.

So it does feel very overwhelming because it's almost - I'm out of the habit.

Part of it is just habit, but also I can't say I'm going to get this amount of words written or this amount of content or modules or whatever it is that needs to be created done within a week or within four weeks.

I think I'm just going to stop setting those deadlines.


Here's what I am going to start setting - is I'm going to start setting more accountability appointments.

Going back to what I was talking about a few minutes ago, have you ever heard of there being, we know about productivity gurus - have you ever heard of accountability gurus, people who coached you on how to make and create and set accountability for yourself?

I have not.

I'm not claiming that I now want to be an accountability guru.

I need one.

But here's what I think that could be a real, if, this is valuable to you at all, just want to share this that if you have an accountability partner, a lot of times, what we think about is okay, hey, what did you do?

What you said you were going to do in the last week?

What are you working on now?


What can I help you with?

That thing.

It's an accountability partner, but what I need is not somebody to talk to you about my work.

I want somebody to just - I just want them to sit down and just work alongside me and they can work on their stuff and I can work on my stuff and they don't need to know what it is that I'm doing.

I don't really need to know what it is that they're doing.

Not that I'm not supportive, but I think that some of the time we read what we are doing, well, I must not be interested enough or it's boring or it feels overwhelming or it feels scary.

When I really think about it, it's actually a feeling of loneliness a little bit.

Because if I just had somebody else that I knew that was sitting down to work at the same time as me and being and saying okay, we're going to do a power hour and just knock out the next task, not the entire project, but the next task.


We are sitting down in real time and knowing that we're co-working, that feels like the big productivity tip that nobody is talking about.


What I'm getting out of my experience.

Something I used to do was I would lead a co-working session on Zoom.

This was actually prior to COVID, but now that all of this is becoming much more clear to me now, along with what I'm actually doing with this page and this broadcast, which is really just trying to be a resource and support coach for content creators, is to bring back that co-working idea.

Co-working on Zoom.

You show up on in my Zoom room, no sound, you don't talk, you have your video on sound off so that you just see a group of other people who are also just sitting down headphones in, you might get a coffee shop, you might be at home or whatever, and you can stay in the chat, hey, here's what I'm working on today.


But you just have that feeling of, I'm not doing this all by myself.

It it's good to have a sense of accountability where it's not somebody cracking the whip on you.

Hey, why didn't you did you get exactly what you said you were going to do done because we do that to ourselves enough.

Don't you think?

If that worked, don't you think we wouldn't have to go through all this?

You know what I mean?

Ugh. Productivity, why?

It seems something that we are torturing ourselves with and it seems that happens a lot in January.

Then after that you just get tired and you're well, I'm not the person who's going to ever stick to my plan.

The other thing that I noticed was not only does this work for work related things, you know productivity seems to be a side effect of having accountability.


I think it completely works for your personal life too.

Case in point couple weeks ago, I'm thinking my apartment is cute and decorated, but I haven't really deep cleaned in a while.

I realized I really need somebody who's going to come and stay with me for me to get motivated, to really do those things that get your house all fresh and clean guest ready, except you want - you wish you would do that for yourself all the time.

I don't, I mean I keep it clean enough and low and behold, I had a surprise visit from my dad for my son's birthday last minute.

I was thinking - sweet.

Now I spend two or three hours doing the same, probably the same amount of work that I would have done over the course of a few weeks or a month.


But it just it got knocked out magically and there wasn't this to do list and planning and checklist and put it on my calendar and do a little bit every day.

I didn't waste any time doing any of that.

I was just naturally motivated because there was a an accountability or a reason, a reason why, for all of this happening, Lisa said in the chat, thank you, Lisa.

She said she misses the Zoom work sessions.

She was just thinking about this the other day - we're facing taxes.

Oh my gosh.

That would be another perfect example of something that you're - it's not it's hard.

It's just so it's just so frustrating and having there be some social element is so helpful.

I'm really glad you brought that up!

I'm going to circle back to that topic by the end of this chat, because I'm going to start, I'm going to start scheduling these and inviting you guys from this Facebook page.


I'll post that information.

Taxes are, that's a perfect reason to show up for that.

So going back to the accountability of keeping your house clean and it is not at all because I thought my dad is going to literally judge me.

I'm sure we have some people who are oh, we need it to look "Southern Living" perfect.

I didn't feel that. Not on his account for me personally.

I wanted to feel like I can really rest and focus and enjoy you guys being here because I did the work of getting things ready and it just feels really good to just show up for it.

You know what I'm saying?

I have my house ready, I'm ready, and now I can relax.

Another perfect example of this, in the health and fitness thing.


Forever my problem is not that I don't enjoy working out.

It's just that I don't stay consistent with it.

Four weeks from yesterday, I'm going to be going on a ski trip with my dad and my sister.

At least one of us, <laugh> (me) has not, we, I have not skied in several years.

Certainly not something as big as four days in a row, which we're going to be doing, which I'm so excited about, but in my mind, I'm oh, it's going to be when I was 18.

It's been a while since I've skied that much, since I was a kid.

This month, it seems just a non-negotiable thing.

Okay, I don't have to kill myself, but 30 minutes every day, I need to be doing something so that by the time we get on this trip, that I'm not dying after the first day and too sore to continue for the rest of our time together.


That's another perfect example of something that is, it is going to hold you accountable in a very real life way, more than "productivity" and sticking to the plan.

The consistency that needs to go into it is happening naturally.

But we keep focusing on why we're not being productive.

I think that the issue is that there's no true accountability.

Another example, bringing it back to the content creation, whether you are working on a podcast or a YouTube channel or a blog or anything.

I have shared before and I'll share again.

I've talked a lot about this in videos on this page before is, just showing up and saying, hey, I'm going to be doing a Facebook Live every Tuesday at nine o'clock, forces you in your brain to come up with something not only something to talk about, but also it helps you think back to -


The last video I did, the last interactions that I had, people who showed up, people who commented, people ask questions, you don't have to - you don't have to pre-plan every single, week months and months and months in advance to know exactly what you're talking about in order to make that commitment.

You make the commitment first and then the content and the productivity and the energy of sticking to the schedule and getting ready and sitting down and getting your lighting and everything...

It comes naturally because you're well, I'd rather (maybe not to be over dramatic), I'd rather die than let these people down.

Well, maybe not die, but you don't want to, not hold your word and not be, in integrity about what you promised your audience and the community that you're trying to create.


In a very selfish way, I think it's really helpful to sometimes force yourself to share something with your followers, even if it's three people more, because it helps you.

I mean, you want to help them, you want to have value, but it helps you show up in order to create that value.

It becomes this self-fulfilling prophecy.

I think a lot of times there, we don't feel we know exactly what we're going to talk about, what we're going to write about.

We want to pay someone to come up with a content plan.

"If I just had somebody who could think of all that for me and be my assistant and schedule it all for me and send emails that then I would be ready to show up."

That may work for some people.


I feel maybe there's a couple of different ways of approaching this, but in my experience, it absolutely doesn't work for me because I will keep waiting.

I'll keep waiting and waiting and waiting.

Because that plan will never become perfect enough to motivate you to show up for it.

But if you go ahead and create the accountability without really having every bullet point completely done, it's it gets your brain engaged in a natural process that seems to work with you instead of against you.

Let me know if that makes sense.

We talked about co-working, we talked about accountability and productivity and organizing, and then here's the final thing.

The final thing is, or at least the final thing that I knew I wanted to share today is that I am going to do differently in February is, and I started this literally yesterday for maybe the first time ever.


In the past I do realize that, hey, even when I don't stick to the plan and I'm working by myself.

So a lot of things are, in terms of the projects that I'm working right now are by myself, not everything, but it's up to me and I'm not letting anybody down because I don't really have any built in accountability other than what we're talking about.

I really need to start doing more co working again.

But when I'm on my own, I will sometimes say, okay, I'm not feeling super inspired today or something else entirely.

Now that I made this plan of what I wanted to do work wise this week, something else entirely is now taking my attention a personal matter or my energy level is just shot.


I couldn't plan for that or I didn't recognize that I needed to plan for that.

So I will sometimes just say all these other things that are bubbling up now that I have that plan, it's your brain wants to go this other direction.

I do often.

I think I don't give enough public credibility to this or what's the word?

I don't admit this publicly when I said I don't to follow a plan and I end up doing whatever I want to do.

It's not that those things don't end up being productive in some way.

I actually do trust that part of my brain a little bit.

That's just this other direction that suddenly did get super inspired and motivated, you might as well.


If those things were going to want to get done anyway, at some point, maybe it wasn't what was on the schedule for this week or this month, but let's go down that rabbit hole.

I often do follow those little rabbit holes.

I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing.

Again, at least in my experience because they're not some, it's not something totally (I mean, I'm not saying I don't scroll on Instagram because I do) but these end up being things that I am genuinely interested in and that are somehow helpful to me either in my personal life or my work.

It just wasn't me creating content for the day.

It was more of a consumption type of thing.

When I do follow those rabbit holes or things do pop up that were unexpected.


For example, yesterday I got a call from school because my son had a headache.

I got up in the middle of the day, took him some medicine and I did a few errands while I was out.

I was - okay, that wasn't a bad, that wasn't the WORST derailing of my day that has ever happened.

You know what I mean?

But I think sometimes if we spend hours trying to come up with this perfect plan, we get even get even more upset and resentful when interruptions happen.

I don't like feeling like that.

You know what I mean?

Especially not for something like my child.

I think we do need to give ourselves a lot more leeway with that.

But getting back to what I was trying to say was - as of yesterday and from now on, one thing I'm going to do is not time tracking in terms of hour by hour exactly what I did.


But at the end of the day yesterday, I just wrote a list in one of my mini blank planners.

Oh my gosh, I got something to say about that in a minute.

I'm a planner-aholic.

In one of my many blank planners, what I use this one for was to just recap what are the big things that DID get accomplished today?

Because while you can have this massive to-do list and you want to cross off 25 things...

That's not attainable, but there's always 200 things on it.

No matter how much you do, you're going to feel like - ugh, I'm failing.

But when I look back at this list of things that I actually got accomplished yesterday, some that were planned, some that were completely not planned.


Then other things that were just more habitual, hey, I still, even though I still did light administrative work, light cleaning those little things, those things that keep a maintenance on everything.

But I mean, I gave myself credit for all of those things that I did, people that I was texting with.

I said, hey, I invested with this person, this person and this person I watched some of those productivity videos from that other guy and I canceled my subscription because, and I wrote that down because I'm hey, it's good.

It's a good thing that I recognize one that that's not something I want to pay for.

But two, it's not something that is going to work for me because I know myself better than that.


I think that is important.

I got some accidental exercise doing some things around my house that I didn't know I was going to be doing.

I mean, you know what I'm saying?

When I write down what I actually did, is any of this bad?


Then the really interesting thing is, and I don't know if you guys have heard this quote before, hang on.

I'm making a note to come back to that thing.

I was going to say about blank planners.

Have you guys ever heard the, I might not, I might not have the guy's right name, but I think his name is Gary Keller and he wrote a book called The One Thing and the quote says something - ask yourself this question.


What is the one thing that if I do now will make other tasks, easier or completely unnecessary in the future?

It's supposed to get your brain thinking in a forward-focused direction so that you're creating leverage and you're doing something that's really important.

I do think asking yourself that question at the beginning of your day is probably <laugh> a good thing.

I see the value in that completely.

But when I looked back at this list that I made last night of what I actually got done in my day, even though I did not follow my plan.

Even though quite frankly, I have been feeling very low emotional energy and burned out a little bit.

I looked back at my list and I was okay, what got done today?


Or what happened today?

That is going to make my future tasks easier or completely unnecessary.

I actually put a star next to two things that were not anything that I could have planned ahead to do.

The reason why they're going to make my tasks in the future easier is because they were more not things that I accomplished per se I could check off of a list, but they were aha moments that I had about, one was about a personal communication that, because for example, I stopped in that moment and decided, instead of letting that moment pass, I'm going to go ahead and ask for clarity on what was meant by the communication very innocent instead of me spiraling for the rest of the day, thinking that meant something bad or that person was angry with me.


You know what I mean?

Hey, I got clarity on blah blah blah.

I wrote that down and put a star next to that.

I'm well, if I know that now, then now every single time I interact with this person, it's an important relationship in my life.

Then I'm not going to be freaking out about it.

How much energy and time is that going to save me, and how much more productive quote unquote is that going to make me every day for the rest of my life - a lot, you know?

Then the second thing that I put a star next to, and I can be more specific about this one - is that I recognized the limits on my energy and my schedule.

Because I, and because I noticed that pain point at some point during my day yesterday, and instead of ignoring it, I actually acknowledged it and said, hey, some of this other stuff that I've been telling myself, hey, I'm beating myself up about not being more productive or not sticking to my plans, is actually simply because it's just not realistic and I'm not acknowledging all of the other stuff that I'm getting accomplished.


As a mom and for myself, my mental health, my physical health, it's hey, I'm actually spending that time on other really important things.

Maybe now I won't spend five hours a week trying to make plans that I'm not going to follow anyway, why I've been doing that for years <laugh> and I still, and people still think I'm very productive and organized.

Imagine if I actually stopped with the unnecessary planning obsession.

Now there's an idea that would be a great new year's resolution.


I want to say something about blank planners <laugh> because in the past, when I was having a day yesterday, if I'd been walking through Staples yesterday or Target or whatever, and I had seen another cute planner, I might have literally bought another $25, $35 planner just because it was there.


Because I was feeling overwhelmed and I was thinking, it must be that I just need to scrap everything and start over or rewrite my to-do list, or have a different layout or different way of visualizing my week or having maybe I need a separate planner for every subject in my life ones for home, ones for kid stuff, ones for work.

I have been doing that also for years.

That was why I said, I have this blank planner that I'm now going to use to recap my day - Kasha. I'm so happy that you're there.

Thank you so much for com <laugh> for commenting. She said, o-m-Jesus, I am such a planner.

Yes. It feels good.

I think that in our brain that it is doing something good for us to map out a day or a week.


Maybe, and maybe I was saying earlier, there's something that happens once you get it out that now all of the other things that you really want to do start bubbling up.

Because for me, a lot of those things that I really want to do that start bubbling up are things that are not, there are things that are creative, but not something that is work related that is ever meant to make me money.

But I'm just oh my gosh, I really want to write a novel.

I really want to write songs.

I really want to start a new podcast that has nothing to do with business coaching.

<laugh> There are all these other things that I wish that I were doing.

So then I tell myself, I'm well, if I just do my work, then I can do that.


But it's almost - they go hand in hand.

Maybe the really rigid work planning helps you get, that monkey mind telling you, hey, here's the other stuff that you really want to do too.

But if we can just get those things working together, it'll be really great.

So here's my February productivity plan and I will update you guys how this is going to go, how this goes.

1. One is I'm still going to get everything out of my head brain dump, whatever the to-do list is.

Because I do think that helps me I'm looking around my house, I'm looking at everything that needs to get done.

I'm looking at my email and my digital life oh my gosh, I need to organize these things.

Getting all of that out of my brain also still really helps.


That's step one.

2. Step two is, I still want to make not a rigid plan, but a general plan of here's the next few things that I'm working on in the next week or two, anything that actually really have to get it done and not something that I just want to say might as well, just be marinating in the back of my head.

I'm going to start making an appointment of some type for now - an appointment can be, I need to go to a therapist or it can also be, hey, I'm going to do, I'm going to schedule a co working session on Zoom and I'll be the host of it.

I really need to show up for it and then I'll get to see people's faces and they'll be okay, sweet.

We're all doing our work at the same time.


We don't have to share.

I'm not there to coach anybody.

Nobody is there to coach me.

It's just hey, we're just doing the thing because whatever it's boiling down to in your business or whatever you're working on, it does boil down to content, whether that is writing an email to someone or writing a blog post.

It's just if you can just break things down into content pieces, and just one topic at a time I'm telling you, that's all it is. That's all it is, plus consistent output.

I think the other piece about consistent output that is really helpful is saying to your email list or to your Facebook Live even again, even when you only have two people, you don't wait until you have 200 people or 2000 people to tell this to you.


Say it when you have zero or two people, I am going to post a new post every Wednesday at noon or there will be a new YouTube video out every Friday, whatever you decide.

It doesn't even have to be once a week, but it could just say there are new videos every other week, whatever you say, you need to say something because then it gets your brain.

Me it gives your brain something to work on, even when you're not consciously thinking about it.

This works for me all the time.

Because  last night I posted on here, hey, I'm going to do a Facebook Live tomorrow at 11.

I had decided three seconds before I posted that.

And here's what it's going to be about.

It's going to be about productivity because I am not again, not a productivity guru as I've noted, but I have a lot of observations about stuff that works or doesn't work for me.


And, I have some degree of success at being consistent over a long period of time, with doing these things.

So I KNOW that it doesn't take somebody that's super freaking rocket scientist-smart to be able to o do it.

I just know that I think that accountability piece is the thing that's missing because what we put ourselves in is this paradox of it's got to be perfect before I can be consistent, but that does not work.

That does not work.

That's why I get on here without a script.

Because if I thought that I had to script all of these ahead of time <laugh> and that y'all expected it to be formal and polished, it would've never happened ever.

Kasha said it's so easy to hide behind planning and not move forward.



I'm guilty. I'm guilty.

Here's a thing to think about is to really be honest with yourself about what planning is doing for you and what it's not doing for you, because if it must be doing something for you, if you're me and you keep doing it, even though you never stick to the plan.

And definitely to a degree, there are big things that happen every day and every week for me that, it's helpful to - I just am a very visual person.

I have one paper planner that is, I would say everything home + personal life.

I don't write out detailed work tasks in that planner.

But I know when my work times are, because I know when my kids basically aren't here or when I think that they're not going to be here, they're here right now, unplanned.


But I went on with my schedule today because I created accountability for myself by saying that it was happening, I was going to do it.

There was no real reason not to do it.


Being honest with yourself about what planning does for you, it may still be really helpful for you even though you're not going to stick to it, but then at least you're not going to beat yourself up about not sticking to it.

Does that make sense?

At the end of the day, there's going to be a recap of what actually got done and giving yourself some points, not literally points, but recognizing this is the positive direction that I moved in today.

Even though I didn't even plan to, look how good I am.

I still stuck to my real - it's almost the habits that you have, even when you're in a real bad mood or a real low energy mood, those are your real habits.


It's look at these habits that I still have.

I still ate healthy meals.

I took a nap, I kept my house clean and maintained.

I moved forward on some things that were really important.

I took that time to realize oh, I had these aha moments about ways that I was not, ways that I was spiraling in my thoughts that were not even necessary.

That's an energy drain.

Those are things that, again, you can't plan ahead for, but when they do come up, if you make good use of them, then it's not wasted time.

It's very efficient.

So that's all have to say for now.

I am real thrilled, to be on here and to be sharing with you guys.

Here's what will happen.


I'm just meta - talking about what we just talked about today.

What will happen after I end this?

I won't remember anything that I said, up until probably a few hours from now, but my brain will keep, will go back and it'll say, oh, that was a really good point.

That was a really good point.

Then it'll say we should talk more about this or maybe this is a question I would've thought of if I was listening and then that becomes my next topic idea.

That's how my brain works.

If you guys like that concept, I talked about that last, year in one of the videos on this page called the Content Snowball.

That is a really important concept that I've referred to a lot for anybody who is trying to do an online project, whether you're doing - you're an influencer, are you doing Instagram?


You're creating content, creating pictures, creating videos - it's all about content planning and about responding to your audience.

I talk about my methodology for that in the Content Snowball video.

So that is what will now happen in my brain now that I showed up and did this, when you guys do have questions, I really do read them and I'll respond.

I want to keep doing that.

Keep showing up here and I completely recognize that I don't have a regular schedule here.

I will say I'm not ready to commit to the exact day and time, but it is going to happen.

It's going to happen much more often now that I've gotten through January being the worst month to try to stick to anything.


February's starting to feel good - I'm starting to feel okay, I'm going to get my stuff together now.

But what you will start seeing, is, an invite just posted on the page.

If you want to show up and do Zoom co-working, you can share it with whoever, it shouldn't be too weird to just have people on there, I can kick them off if I have to <laugh> and we can all just be hey, we're doing our work.

You don't have to share with people what you're doing, but it's just nice to know, hey, here are some other content creators that are just trying to move forward and trying to overcome perfectionism one step at a time, because that is what it is all about.


I appreciate you guys.

I hope you're having a great week so far - happy new first day of the month of February!

We'll see you again soon. Bye guys!

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