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How To Map Your Online Business Model

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Good morning.

Thank you for joining me! Thank you for watching on the replay.

If you don't know me, I'm Jen Kilbourne Obermeier and I just started this Facebook page as an additional outlet for myself to talk and help people right now focusing on just online business topics: strategies, ideas, tips, how to.

I think we're going to cover a lot of different things for the duration, for the indefinite future.

I'm going to be doing a live chat every day on some sort of topic.

If you just want to get notified when I do the live video, I believe that there's a way to do that on this Facebook page, so check that out and keep sending me questions that you have about online business stuff.

Today I have a topic, sort of pre-planned, to help me keep on track.

Yesterday in my welcome kind of initial announcement video, I talked a little bit about my background and my story and how and why I ended up having an online business.

Definitely worth watching.

I think just because that gives you an introduction into why I'm so passionate about this and why when people come and ask me, even on a normal day like, "Hey, is this possible or is this something that I can do?"

My answer is always yes, but especially right now when people are thinking about, how do I make an income from home in the short term or even get into online business long-term.

I just want to be a free resource for you as you figure out what that looks like.

Not asking for a single thing back except just to let me know if this is helpful and what kinds of topics that I can address for you.

Today I have a couple of things I want to make sure that I cover and not forget to say.

That is in the description of this video.

First things first, if you have found me through many different resources, I have, my current business I focus on professional organizers.

I am a host of a podcast for professional organizers and we talk.

I have guests on and we talk about online business topics a lot and ways that professional organizers in addition to their service business can come up with some other way to sell something that monetizes their expertise and their knowledge and their willingness to help people.

One of the things that we talk about all the time is the concept of virtual organizing or coaching and what that looks like.

That doesn't even involve you coming up with a book or a course or content.

It's just a way for people to work with you in your existing business through Skype, FaceTime, those kinds of mediums.

So there's that.

Then I have other people who I know who really that a lot of them work in the corporate world, but they have a long-term plan to have their own executive coaching and consulting company where they're working for themselves and that they are a full-time coach.

I've talked with some of those people about how do you -  what is it that you're selling?

 You're selling coaching, how do you get people to find you through the internet?

 We're going to talk about that.

But then if you know me through some other way or you have some other idea of what it is that you want to put out there in the world, an information product of some kind, a blog that actually makes money, we're going to talk about all those things, but the big number one takeaway I want you to know is, you are not too old to start this.

It does not require as much tech savvy as it initially looks like.

Like, yes, I think that the willingness to learn new things and to Google and teach yourself and YouTube and read the tutorials for different apps is necessary.

But once you figure that stuff out at the beginning and once you get comfortable with it, it becomes just a normal part of your life just like you get new training at work.

So it's something that is self-initiated versus someone else telling you this is what you've got to do now.

And so, for you, if you're listening and this is part of your evolution in your career or in your personal life as you figure out other ways to bring in income, maybe over the long term, you can do this.

You're not too old.

And also if you're listening and maybe you're young or maybe you're still in college or you have a child that wants you to have a YouTube channel, I'm right there with you.

And in terms of being a parent of somebody who wants to be a YouTuber, in fact I have so much to say about this.

We're going to do a whole separate day topic on it.

But you're not too young either to figure out how to make this work.

I know a lot of kids consume content on YouTube, TikTok, they're kind of the popular platforms for them, and they say like, "Oh yeah, I want to be like Jake Paul." I don't know.

It's just the first name I thought of.

I don't even know if he's cool anymore.

To have somebody who can just, you yourself as a parent might not know, how does that work?

 How do young content creators, we're going to call them content creators because they could be YouTubers, they could be Instagram comedians, I mean, I am telling you there's such a wide range of ways that people are building up an audience and making money using only online platforms.

There's young content creators.

What they need is somebody to tell them like, "Hey, here's how this stuff works.

Here's how you get started." So, I'd be glad to be that person!

If you have that child or that person in your life or maybe that is you, please feel free to reach out to me and let me know your questions around that topic as well.

Like I said, I'll just share about it.

I'll do a whole other day, like say your kid wants to be YouTuber, here's how that works.

So you're not too old you're not too young, I just want to be a voice of encouragement as you're figuring this out.

Next thing on the list for today.

I want to kind of help people get some direction as far as longterm versus short term strategies.

Now, short term strategies, what I mean is someone who they may be out of work for the next, I'm just going to throw a number out there and you guys can totally come back and laugh at me if I'm completely wrong.

But let's say that for whatever reason you are not going to be getting paid for the next three months.

Now, that seems like a pretty drastic situation or at least I hope.

I really hope and pray that that is not you.

But let's say that your only interest in doing some sort of online business or way to make money is only for the near future and you really have no intention to build something that is going to support you in the longterm or something that you're really pouring your whole knowledge base into.

I do have ideas for that.

The primary one -  and sorry I'm kind of jumping.

I have an outline but it's out of order.

I'll reorder it afterwards so that I look like I talked exactly on topic.

Anyway, there are some relatively easy and very fast ways for you to connect with people who are looking for a service that you can do immediately online.

This is not really about you creating a blog or creating a course or creating a product or any kind of empire.

This is really about somebody hiring you to edit their blog posts or edit anything really.

Or if you have any other skills as far as something that you can literally just do from your computer that normally, because let's say that you are an administrative assistant for a company that is just closed right now and you want to continue making some extra money from home, you could list yourself or kind of hire yourself out in just a case by case basis as a virtual assistant and you can say, "I really specialize in X, Y and Z." Like you're really good at certain programs or certain tasks.

You can do that now without creating this entire separate business where you're like, "Okay, I am now a full time virtual assistant." Because if you have only the intention -  I mean, if you don't want to jeopardize your normal job that is there waiting for you when all of this gets figured out, then just do that on like a contract basis.

That is possible.

I'm going to give you guys some resources on how to do that and where to do that.

Because I think there's a lot of people out there who just don't even realize that that is a thing.

So there's that.

When we're talking about short term strategies, you're probably not going to be listening to me when I'm talking about, here's how you create content for a blog that is going to bring in long-term revenue and that you're really going to teach yourself all the things that go into it.

So that's kind of the first thing I want to get out of the way is that if you really aren't looking for a long-term business offering a service that people pay you by the project or pay by the hour to do from home is absolutely the way to go.

Please don't get scammed by some sort of work from home, work at home.

There's so much crap out there.

And trust me, because I've looked into it, years ago and I've seen it and there's just weird things where first it seems like you're taking surveys and then you're getting paid to do a free trial of a product and then you cancel the product.

I mean, there is some crazy stuff out there.

So I really can tell you that if you're looking for just real work from home income, the thing to do is to list yourself on Fiverr, Upwork.

I'll go back and I'll put these links in so you're not -  I'm not assuming you know how to find it.

So I'm going to put these links in so that you can figure that out.

You don't even have to be good at website design.

You don't have to be good at internet stuff.

It can just be things that you already have as a skill, like you are a super fast proofreader.

That would be amazing.

In fact, I've been hiring people myself to do that recently just to get things done faster.

So that could be a very effective way to work from home and make some money right now.

With that out of the way, I do probably want to focus more on people who are taking this idea seriously enough to be thinking like, "Hey, this could be a long-term source of income."

Now, it doesn't have to turn into a -  and I talked more about this yesterday in my initial video, and we'll talk about this today.

I'm going to repeat this again today.

There is not a thing in the world out there that is truly passive income really.

However, there are some ways that you can make money with a website or some other content platform like YouTube or a Facebook group or whatever that is a lot of work up front, and then in the long term there's a lot less work that goes into it.

That would be the kind of project.

I kind of want you to divide yourself into a group right now.

That would be the kind of project for somebody that has a lot of time on their hands right now for let's say three months or six months or whatever.

But then you do still expect to go back into normal, maybe you have a normal job, you don't want to jeopardize that.

You don't necessarily want it to be something public, that you go public and say, "Hey, I'm starting this whole new business." It's just something you're doing low key.

I'm doing something productive, I'm investing in myself and my future and it's going to be there for me long term.

You don't want it to become your full-time thing.

And then the last group of people would be someone like myself who even though I didn't necessarily know at the outset how it was going to go, I really threw myself into, this is my thing, and I became a coach in a very specific area and it became a long-term business that became my full-time job.

Well, I did consider it a side hustle, but now when people ask me what I do, this is what I say that I do.

I hope you can kind of see the difference of all of those things.

I kind of want to focus more on group two and group three which is short term work with long-term side income or short term work plus long-term lots of work.

Because my job now, launching is kind of one phase of it.

I continue to work very hard on my business, but it looks different.

It looks differently than it did at the beginning.

So anyway, let me know if you're watching this on the replay because I cannot see how many people are watching right now.

If you're there you might need to just type in the chat and say hello.

If you're watching this on the replay, of course feel free to comment as we go too because I can still come back and reply to you, which I will because I enjoy interacting with people and I want to answer your questions.

The next thing that was on my list to discuss today, figuring out what you want out of an online business.

Let me go back one more time to what I was just talking about.

We're talking about group two and group three.

I need to name these groups so I can refer to them quickly in the future.

All right.

Group two is the people -  group one is like you just want to sell a service short term online.

Group two is, I am willing to work really hard on something to get it up and running, but then in the future I need it to basically be passive income -- I'm okay if it's not a full-time income source, and I don't expect it to be because I have other things that will make me money in the long term.

And then the third group is people who are willing to put in the time now and then long-term it will be not only your full-time income but your full-time career/identity even.

I'm going to speak to those groups two and three because you don't have -  you could do both.

You can theoretically do both or you could do more than one of each of those things.

But what I would recommend for your sanity and really for your long-term learning about online business and about these areas, and as again spoke to this yesterday, I would put all of your focus on figuring out how to make the first thing that you choose to work.

This is me kind of telling you what to do right now, but I really suggest that if you believe that you have the interest in creating that long-term business, like I want to have a full-time coaching business, I want to have a full-time business where I am teaching an online course and that's what I'm known for and people pay a lot of money for it, or any other combination of things.

I want to have a full-time speaking career in the future and so therefore I need to be creating the content and writing the books now, all those things.

If you think at all that you want to do something like that, that is the thing that I would start with right now because six months from now or a year from now, you'll still be kicking yourself because you'll be kind of side hustling on this other blog project that's not really a long-term identity, true lifestyle shift if that's what you really want.

You'll have figured out so much of how internet business works, but you won't really have that.

You won't have really established a platform for you to go full-time.

Then a year from now you could have a blog that's making 500, 1,000, $2,000 a month on the side and you have your full-time job and you're still thinking, I really want to still have a full-time executive coaching career.

That's the problem because a year from now you won't have the time that you have right now to really ask yourself, what is it that I want to be known for, and get serious about putting it out there.

I realized that that's probably the scariest option out of all of them.

But I cannot emphasize enough that if you believe that that's the direction you want to go, sooner is always better.

You will figure things out as you go along.

You'll figure out more about what you want to talk about and what you want to teach as you go.

You start with just what you have, but go ahead and buy the domain name for your name, and start figuring that out.

Then the good thing though is that if you do that, if you do focus on that third option right now -  Again, I need a name.

I need a name for you guys.

If you do focus on that right now, and then a year from now you have coaching clients that are on the books and you're making more or less your full-time income or reaching your goals, if you also then want to start another blog side project or just another side passion project, you have the ability to do that.

One, because now you're not going into an office every day and you totally set your own schedule.

So you have complete control over your time.

And you've already hustled your you-know-what off just to get that going so you're going to understand and it's going to be so much faster for you to get, like, another side project up and running that's -  like I said, it's not so much your identity and your passion, but it's something that does make additional money.

And then you're really off and running because once you know how to do that you can just, like, duplicate and repeat.

All right.

So that is my soapbox moment.

That is my soapbox moment for you guys that are trying to make that decision.

And, you know, it might seem silly or it might seem like a pie in the sky kind of dream right now but I promise you, like, if you take it seriously and you keep moving forward this -  it will become -  it will become your reality.

You'll be like, "I am making money from an online business. I do not have to go into a workplace, I set my own schedule, I am not told that I can only take 10 vacation days a year."

That is not your reality anymore.

So, yeah.

So, just my encouragement to take that seriously.

So, let's keep going.

So yesterday in the video, and I'll link back to yesterday's video that I keep referring to, I'll link back to that also.

Let's see.

Let's see.

One of the things I discussed was understanding how you actually get paid for blogging or video content on the internet.

And in parenthesis, it is usually not from the content itself, which is why you don't need to do have a million followers on YouTube for it to be worth your time.

Now, this is applicable for both sets of people that I just talked about, whether you are moving into, like, a long-term coaching and consulting business, like you want to be an author, you want this to be your thing, this is -  you're going to need to put out content.

You're going to need to put out blogging or video or some type of content.

Your ultimate way of making money will be different from somebody who is doing, like, let's say, a home décor blog and it's not really about you as a person.

It's just literally about, you know, home décor ideas, DIY, stuff that doesn't really revolve around you as a person and your expertise.

I mean, it might be your expertise but you're not selling people on coaching with you -  or you're not selling people on interior design services, you're just -  you want a high traffic blog that gets a lot of page views so that you can make "passive income" from advertising or potentially other things.

Now, so when I say passive, the money making part is passive, the work that you put into it will -  is not.

Unless, you know, you get to the point where you can outsource and have a team and people can do that.

(Now, it's still not passive because you've got to manage the team.)

So, like, that's what I mean.

There's never really any passive income, but there's a lot of different options.

Okay, so I want to talk about how you actually get paid for blogging or video content on the internet so that you can understand why -  excuse me, sorry, I'm hitting my microphone.

I want you to understand why you don't have to get a million followers on YouTube for it to be worth it for you to do YouTube.

I think that is one of the greatest misconceptions about, I don't know, about online business, maybe?

 Like, people think, "Uh, I get that you can make money from YouTube, but you have to have millions of followers and millions of views on your videos and they have to go viral and you have to have, like, some, like, crazy personality."

Here's the thing.

On YouTube, there are very few people making money from video views.

Like, yes, you do make money from the video views, but in case you have ever looked into this, and I'm going to tell you if you haven't, I believe that Google pays -  because Google owns YouTube, so how you make money on YouTube from, like, people who do have millions of followers and millions of views, they can make a full-time income on YouTube from views alone, but the reason that they do that is because Google places ads.

And you guys have all seen this if you've been on YouTube.

Google places ads before your videos, you can put them in the middle of your videos, whatever.

So you're making money from Google ads on your YouTube videos.

Now, you get paid, like, a penny per hundred views or something, like, infinitely small like that.

I mean, for reference, I believe that I have -  hang on, I can look this up while we're talking.

But I have a YouTube channel for my business, Pro Organizer Studio, and I started it in the fall of 2016.

One second here, we've got to switch accounts.


I currently have 3,120 subscribers.

Not bad, right?

 And I'm trying to see -  I need to see how many total views I have, like, all time.


And you can see this, by the way, if you go into any YouTube channel and you go to the main YouTube dashboard, I guess, for that channel and there's a menu that say home, videos, playlists, community, channels, and about.

If you go to the about tab for any YouTube channel, on the right-hand side you can see their stats, which is when they joined and how many total views they have all time.

And so, mine says I joined September 19, 2016, I started posting videos.

And in three-and-a-half years I have 22,523 views total.


So let me explain how this works.

I have made very little money ever on my YouTube.

Not all, but some of my videos are monetized.

So if I -  I could put more ads on them, but that's not how -  like, I'm not really trying to make money.

Not trying to make money from views themselves.

But I think out of 22,523 views, I have made, like, a little bit over $200, like, ever.

Let me do the math on that and see if I'm telling you guys what's right.

One, two -  Yeah, that's about a penny -  All right, I didn't come on here to do math in my head.

But anyway, you can see despite the fact that I'm telling you that YouTube is the number one driver of my business, it is not actually very connected to how many views that I have or how much money I have made from YouTube itself.

Please type in the comments as you're watching this if that makes sense.

So what I wanted you to understand is that even though -  so I have 3,000 subscribers, 22,000 views, what happens is when people find my content there and, like, for example, I used to do a lot more live videos just like this one and I would always repost them to YouTube and then tell people in the video or in the description of the video, "Here's how you can learn more." Like, come join me in this Facebook group, or come sign up for this free thing that I have, or whatever.

So, that is how people initially found me a lot through YouTube.

And then, again, didn't have anything -  they would watch the videos, but then that's how they come into my world and how I teach and what I teach.

So, if you are in that third group where you're thinking, "I want to have a long-term business that is eventually going to rely on me selling training of any kind", whether it's one-on-one or groups, or even just free public speaking, coaching, consulting, whatever, there is no real other path for you to become successful in that unless you are really serious about getting on video.

Because people -  if you want to sell coaching with you, the most natural thing in the world is for people to go from watching your YouTube videos -  or, of course, it doesn't only have to be on YouTube, but you want to post everything you do to YouTube.

Like, if you do a video like this on Facebook, you want to download it and post it to YouTube so that people who are searching for the content that you're talking about can find you and then follow you in other places.

But the most natural thing in the world is for them to get to know you in a video format and for then when they want one-on-one help with their problem or using coaching services, then they're like, "I am going to just do a coaching call with Jen." I mean, that is -  you know, that's the strategy there.

By the way that's actually not what I am -  I am not even wanting you to call me for a coaching call about this.

I want to help you free.

I want to help everybody with this topic for sure for free.

So -  but that is the coaching kind of consulting strategy.

And you don't have to keep putting out content forever, but there does need to be some way where people sort of can kind of binge watch your content, get to know you, understand your story, understand how you think, and if you're not comfortable doing live videos, of course you can pre-record it and edit the heck out of it and then put it up on YouTube.

Very easy step from there is to put the audio onto a podcast.

That's maybe, like, your next step, your advanced step.

But I'm telling you, if you want to be a coach, you want to be a consultant, you want this to be your full-time thing, your actual to do list right now should be make a list of the five things that you can't stop talking about or that you seem to talk about with everyone in your current role, coaching or consulting or whatever it is that you're an expert in.

Or things that you've been helping people with, and start sharing it, start putting it out there, so people can start finding you and following you.

But remember, it's not about how many views you get or getting paid even for your views on YouTube.

In fact, if you just want to sell coaching services you can just turn off the monetization completely.

Actually, I don't even know if you can get monetized unless you have a bare minimum of -  I think you have to have a thousand views before you can even put ads on your channel.

So it's not just, like, this instant way to make money but it is part of a long-term strategy that, for sure, you cannot ignore.

Okay, so I wanted to discuss that.

Back to my outline here.

Let me know if this is helpful.

Here's another thing I want to talk about about YouTube itself.

Another way that people make money through YouTube -  and it is not -  you don't only have to sell something like coaching.

Let me give you an example.

Somebody that is a very well-known blogger, I've had her on my podcast and we've talked about this, she is a blogger and she focuses on organizing.

So she makes videos on YouTube about organizing, she's not trying to sell organizing services and she's not trying to sell coaching, but her monetization strategy is linking to products that she uses, anything that where she is referring her viewer to where they can buy the stuff that is in the video.

And now, that template or that explanation is how a lot of other people on YouTube who don't have the expertise to sell coaching and consulting, or whatever, at a higher, you know, hourly rate.

That's how they're making money, through a YouTube channel, not on the views themselves.

Again, let me know if that makes sense.

If this would be -  and you don't even have to be in the videos.

You don't have to be in the videos, obviously, like, sometimes it's nice to have a personality, like a person explaining things, but you don't necessarily have to be -  heck, you don't have to be the most celebrity good-looking person in the world.

Like, people out there who just make good content that explains how to do things and then affiliate links to, like, an Amazon product or an Amazon book that is in depth.

Like, every step on how to become an expert on this thing.

What you're doing is you're sort of becoming the middle man where you help people understand something enough to get going.

But then you're sending them on their way to where they can buy the thing that is really going to, like, solve the problem.

So for that reason, you don't have to be, like, the celebrity personality in order to make really good videos.

It doesn't have to be the most polished, like, perfect thing in the world.

In fact, y'all have probably seen a lot of YouTube content that is not that great but it was helpful, it was to the point, there you go.

I want to interrupt myself and say for the most part, most people who are listening to this or have heard this anywhere else will not take action on this.

Because then you're thinking, it's like, "Oh, well, if it's that easy." like, yesterday I was talking about it becomes overwhelming because it seems too hard or it seems like that's for other people but not me.

And then once somebody explains it to you like I'm explaining it to you, you're like, "Oh, well if it's that easy, then everybody will be doing it. The market's probably saturated or I probably shouldn't do it."

That is another completely false line of thinking that is ridiculous.

And let me tell you one reason why.

One reason why is because content on YouTube gets kind of old our outdated quickly, so if the most popular video in a particular niche that you are able to talk about and teach and share is -  if that video is like, six years old, but it still is the one that has the most views because it's the only one out there and that person has a million views on that video.

Now let me do -  we can do some quick math.

Maybe that'll make you, like, too excited.

But do some math on -  remember when I said I've made -  off of like 22,000 total views over three-and-a-half years, I've made a couple hundred bucks.

When you do have a video, that long-term has brought in hundreds of thousands of views or a million views, that one video can be worth $1000 a month to you.

Now, is every video going to be like that?

Probably not, but, like how hard -  I'm not saying how hard is it, but it doesn't seem impossible, at least, that if you grow a channel that is focused on really good content that some of those pillar videos will bring in tons and tons of views and then other people, you know, will watch your other videos and you'll have views on those videos as well.

Now remember, you get paid on YouTube based on views, not subscribers.

You don't have to have a certain number of subscribers to make money but obviously the more subscribers you have, the more people who are notified every time you post something new, and so on.

Kind of went on a sidetrack there, but I just kind of wanted to explain that you don't have to be anybody special, and not everybody's doing it.

I promise you, not everybody's doing it.

Because most people don't do things.

Like, most people will not take the initiative to actually do this or to take it seriously so they'll sort of dabble in it.

They'll teach themselves how to make a YouTube video, they'll put it out there, and then they'll be like, "Five people watching a day, like, this is stupid. I have so many other things I could be doing right now."

But what you have to connect in your mind is that if you continue that momentum, it is, you know, it can become exponential and can continue to grow for you.

And now, this is probably one reason why a lot of people say you need to pick something that you're passionate about, because it can get boring really quickly to do content on one specific thing that you want your YouTube channel, or your blog, or any other thing to be known for.

And, you know, once you start jumping around to, like, all different kinds of topics, then it's, you know, your channel doesn't really have a purpose.

Yesterday, in my chat we talked about this online real estate and what you want to do on YouTube, or a blog, or anywhere, is kind of just carve our your piece of the real estate and then continue to grow it.

So I definitely encourage you to look around at the type of the content that is on YouTube because the majority of it is mediocre.


It's out of date.

If it's something that is, like, explaining Excel, you know, like an old video can be really, really good but it can get out of date with, like, updates and that kind of thing.

I think I had this, like, light bulb moment probably -  gosh, probably like four years ago when I was working with somebody who told me that he had created some -  he wasn't even on the screen.

He created, like, a screen share tutorial of how he worked with, like, an application like Outlook e-mail.

I think he had some other, like, tutorial videos where was recording his screen and doing a tutorial of him talking.

Were there other videos on YouTube that were just like his?

Yes, probably.

But he said that he had a couple of his videos that he just made one time and then put out. 

That he had a couple of his videos that he just made one time and then put out there that did have so many views.

He said people just liked the way he taught and he spoke slowly and didn't assume that people knew everything going into it.

So it was good tutorial and so cute.

He had the deepest Southern accent I've ever heard.

He said, "I probably make like $1600 a year or whatever on these couple videos." And he was like, "It's not a big deal. It's Christmas money every year."

And that was when I was like, hold up.

So there is an example of someone who isn't making millions on YouTube, but at the same time that was passive income.

He created the video, he put it out there.

Now imagine if that's you, that you really developed a channel of videos where you're teaching people for free.

And I do think that that is an important point to make because it can be very tempting to be like, well I know everything about this topic session, make a course about it and I should sell people into the course and not give them anything for free.

Because why would I give it away if they could pay me?

I'm telling you, if you have time right now and you have the inclination, make a YouTube channel where you just brain dump everything you know about a topic.

Create these tutorials.

Like I said, you don't even have to be on the video.

It can be you showing something and explaining something that's very up to date and it's clear and actually respond to people's comments.

Do that for two weeks and then report back to me, in six months, how many views that you have.

You don't even have to continue creating the content, but what if you did?

 What if it was really good and you continued creating new videos on maybe a second.

You could do a second channel with a second app or, what's the word?

 Digital, online, computer, anything technical.

Anything technical that you know how to do.

Totally talking right now.

I used to work in an IT department in the communications area and then there's so many people there who know so many things and I'm talking to you guys because you could totally make a tutorial channel on YouTube for things.

Because people, when they Google something, this is what they're looking for.

They're looking for a short, easy to understand.

They're looking for a short, easy to understand YouTube video about the topic.

They don't want to pay you for a course.

They don't want to pay you for one-on-one coaching.

They just want to understand it better than the official documentation for that thing, whatever it is.

Like Excel.

So I really hope this is sparking some ideas for you.

If you consider your expertise to be in more of a technical how to sort of thing.

Those types of videos on YouTube would be amazing.

I myself have considered many times creating a little side channel about some of the online apps that I use for my business.

Because it's hard to find very specific how to customize a certain type of page in Kajabi, which is for example what I use to sell my course, how to customize it.

That's not always easily available.

Just like in the Kajabi documentation there aren't a lot of people who have ever taken the initiative to film themselves and explain how they do things.

And if they did, I would have watched every video on their channel.

And that person could be making that passive income from YouTube revenue.

All right, so it was kind of going into a side topic about YouTube there.

Like I said, I'm going to do a separate video about kids and YouTube because I think that the things that they're going to be thinking about creating will be different.

So we'll get to that later.

But if you're a parent who is interested in that topic, please let me know because I'm extremely passionate about helping people figure that out as well.

Okay, so next on my list is, Oh, so I talked about how you get paid for video content.

Usually not from the content itself, but through some sort of back-end mechanism.

Either they're coming to your website or you're sending them to another website and you're getting commission.

An affiliate link.

Let me explain that really quickly.

If you're not familiar, for example, Amazon has affiliate links that you can sign up for.

And so then if somebody says, for example, people ask me all the time what type of standing desk I have.

I have one of these real -  And it's very cute and it works really well and people say, "Hey, I saw that you posted that on your Instagram story one time a million years ago. What type of desk is that?" Now, I don't have a blog post about it and I'll just send people the link.

But if I did, what I could do is write up the blog post and then have pictures, cute pictures of my office set up and even me using it, sitting down, standing up, whatever.

You want to give people that content but then you're driving them.
When I link them to the desk on Amazon, which is $150.

Then I'm putting my affiliate link, not just the plain Amazon link and then, I don't even know how much Amazon commission is.

I don't know if it varies by product.

I mean it's very tiny, but if you have a high, which is it's so tiny that it doesn't matter.

If one-to-one person, if I send it to one person, I don't care about sending them my Amazon link.

If I was posting it to an audience of a thousand people or 10 000 people, I'd be putting my Amazon link on there because I'm referring a product that I know and love to tons of people that I have already gained their trust for whatever reason.

And then the tiny half percent or whatever it is that you get on commission, it does add up in that case.

Now I just gave you right there the simplest explanation of how bloggers make money, how people on Instagram make money, how people on YouTube have an additional source of money.

Because like I said, you can make money from views and you can make money by selling services, but you can also make money by having Amazon links of like, "Hey, here's what I used in this video, here's what I used in this tutorial." And you send them to Amazon to buy that product.

You're being a resource for them.

And then you make commission off of that.

So imagine if you had a million people click on that link.

Now that's a lot, that would be a lot.

But I'm just saying what if you had tons of links for all kinds of things?

That's people, there are bloggers that I have followed for years that run absolute empires of content and information and it is only up to my imagination to figure out how much that they are making in Amazon affiliate revenue, because they are so influential.

Their followers are so loyal to what kinds of sunscreen they use, what kinds of sunglasses they wear.

That is the influencer business model in a nutshell.

And let me go back to something I said earlier when I was talking about do you want to have a blog side project that does not really involve you personally?

 I don't mean it doesn't involve your personal effort.

I mean, do you want to be the face that is like, "Yes, I use this sunscreen, I use these." Do you want to be that Instagrammer typical blogger?

 Some people want to do that and they don't understand how people make money.

That's how people make money.

You've got to build the following and then when you're recommending them to affiliate links all the time, do you make money at first?


No you might not make good money for a long time.

It wouldn't be a full time job at the beginning, but over time then you have this big audience.

Not only that you can send them to get your affiliate links for certain things, but also companies then could sponsor your Instagram posts or sponsor your blog posts or just essentially pay you directly to promote something to your audience.

And that would be another additional source of revenue for an influencer business.

That again is another, I think, very misunderstood area of an online business or whatever.

And certainly that takes a different skillset than the person who's like, "I can make tech tutorials on YouTube and make an income from that." Different skillset, different opportunities.

But again, wherever you fall on this, I do think that there is a path for you if this is what you're interested in.

All right, hydrating.

Okay, so I've explained how you actually get paid for blogging or video content on the internet.

Now let me break down something.

Maybe this is something you never asked yourself or maybe something you're dying to know.

I have no idea.

How you actually literally make the money...

How do you make the money from Amazon?

Every month Amazon will send you your affiliate payout and you can deposit it directly into your Amazon account.

For example, this morning I got one for $11.

Felt good about myself.

Again, that's not a big area for me in my business with Pro Organizer Studio.

But I would say I have a resources page on my website that, not every link is an affiliate link, but for example, if I send people to books I recommend or something, I'll put in an Amazon link and be like, "Sure, here you go."

So it's a little money.

It's a little money back into the business, which it's better than a sharp stick in the eye, as my husband would say.

Okay, so Amazon will literally send you, and I think also probably depending on your payout level, you could -  Gosh, I have so many ideas for things you could be doing.

It does not matter what your interest is.

You don't have to even be an expert in this thing.

Let me finish my thought and then I'm going to go into this other piece.

My thought was Amazon will literally send you the balance or, I'm sure if you're making more than $11, they'll send you a check or do a direct deposit into your bank account.


So that's literally how you make the money.

Google with YouTube, it's the same thing.

I think that I get paid every time I make $100 off of my YouTube channel, which I think has happened twice.

So I think I have some other revenue built up that hasn't been paid out to me yet.

And when it happens, I think there's a onetime setup in the back end of your YouTube account.

A one time set up where you say, here's my direct deposit information and they just send me my a hundred dollars.

And I'm like, okay, surprise.

So I wanted to say, here's how you literally get paid by that.

From these things.

If you are a blogger, and again, you can do the Amazon affiliate strategy right away.

You don't have to wait to be a certain level.

But if you're a blogger, and this is not to say you can't do blog and YouTube, I'm just saying for people who don't even want to deal with videos at all and they just want to have a blog that they're sending people to.

Let's say you're super passionate about a certain type of nutrition plan, cooking, diet plan, and all of your recipes follow this diet plan.

So people who are looking for recipes like, this is so old, but Atkins.

That's not even cool anymore is it?

But anyway, let's say you're still a die hard Atkins fan and you're like, here's Atkins recipes for all kinds of things.

And you don't want to make videos, you don't want to put your face out there, you don't really want to make it about you, but you want it to be your site and here's how you cook.

And it turned out really well and here's the pictures that you took of your food, all that kind of stuff.

Let's say that's you.

Initially you can do the Amazon affiliate link and send people to Amazon.

They can buy your favorite cookbooks, they can buy your cookbook if you have.

You can still create your own product that you put on Amazon and then people can buy that.

So that's even another source of income that you can implement literally right away.

As soon as you have the content, you can create an ebook and sell it on Amazon.

There is nothing -  You don't have to wait for anything and if you've bought ebooks on Amazon before then you know they are sometimes not even perfect.

When you buy them and you download it to your Kindle that sometimes they have a lot of mistakes in them or whatever.

I'm just saying there's nobody approving you.

There is nobody approving you.

So if you have good content and it's above mediocre and it comes from -  Your Amazon ebook can drive people to your blog and your blog drives people to buy your ebook.

That itself, right there, is a business that you can do in your free time essentially.

You don't have to quit your job to post recipes that you make, that you're going to make anyway.


Going back, going back, going back.

When you make money.

Oh, okay.

I was going to say, when you do get to a point with your blog where you are bringing in a lot of page views every single month.

I believe the general threshold's set out there for a lot of the major blogging, like ad agency managers.

Not agency is not the right word, but when you go on a food blog and you do see ads on there, the person who creates the food blog in general doesn't have anything to do with it.

They just have installed a program on their website and somebody else sends them a check every single month.

So it'd be the same concept as what I just described with Amazon sends you your income.

Google sends your income from YouTube and your ad set up manager will send you your income for that month.

100,000 page views or more is what I was trying to spit out.

Once you have 100,000 page views I think you can qualify for pretty much any of those ad network things.


So then that would be another option.

So next thing.

So I wanted to give you an example of a non, the person who I was saying is super passionate about a certain type of cooking or maybe you do all gluten free dairy free stuff, and that's your passion.

Did you go to school for it?


Do you want it to be your full time career?


Do you even really want to tell people here's my name and age and my whole back story?


But it's just a passion and it's just something that you're willing to share with people and you know that other people are looking for it because you are.

So that's a perfect example of an online business that you might not have ever even considered before as a way to make money.

If you take it seriously and create good content and good recipes.

A lot of people will default and say, "Oh I'll just upload my recipes to." What are those sites that -  Like and they'll say, "Well yeah I have this great recipe but I'll just upload it there and just share it with people there." Well that's fine.

That's making rich.

That's how they make their money.

But you could have your own piece of real estate essentially.

So that when people are searching on Pinterest for the Atkins friendly Christmas party plan or whatever, you have a blog post about that.

They are coming to you and that's very niche specific.

You're not going to have millions and millions of people looking for that, but you can rise to the top of that niche and stand out in the search results on Pinterest, on Google, on YouTube if you have videos.

You could dominate that immediately.

So choose wisely on that one.

This is why people say you want to niche down and you don't want to just put out a blog that kind of covers everything that you do.

It helps to focus on one thing first and then you can sort of expand from there once people start to know you and they're asking about other areas of your life.

I'm totally coming up with random examples.

Say I got famous off of this video, which I will not, and people are like, "Where did you get." Here is the opposite of what I'm looking at. "Where did you get that pillow?

 Where did you get your earrings?" If I had millions of followers, I'd be like, Oh, boom, boom, boom, here you go.

Affiliate links.

Or I could start a second channel where I'm like, here's behind the scenes in Jen's life and home decor, which I don't have enough.

Probably don't have enough content for that to be interesting.

But I'm just saying that's how you would get specific with your niche first and then you can expand out from there.

So hope that that makes sense.

Because that is definitely a good strategy for people who do want to go that route where they're like, I don't really want it to be about me, or I don't feel like I have anything interesting to teach people.

I just want to share the projects that I do.

And that's a completely valid way to go, even for people who have an existing business.

If you are a professional organizer for example, that's a lot of people in my current audience, and you already work with people one on one in their house.

A whole separate side thing for you could be blogging about your organizing projects.

It doesn't have to be about your clients because often it's very personal for them and you don't really have control over, "Can I share your house with the entire internet, or share the behind the scene's story?" And in most cases they're going to be like, "I'd really rather you not."

If you're an interior designer it's easier to say, "Here's a before and after," because it's just about the decor.

But with organizing projects, if you love organizing projects and you have more ideas in a day than you could possibly ever implement with your clients, do them at home.

Show the world, "Here's how I reorganized my kid's play room," and then link the hell out of all those products because people are going to come to that post looking for those ideas.

So take whatever it is that you're obsessed with, that you would be doing anyway, and make a website out of that.

Make a blog or website out of that.

I just realized we need to have a whole separate day about creating a website out of that.

You're like, "Hold on, I understand what you're saying, but how do I do that?" We will definitely get to that, I promise.

I'm about to hit one hour and I'm almost done, which is awesome.

The final thing I want to talk about today is quick services that you can use right now to help you get started because you're probably thinking to yourself, I can't do all this myself or I can't do all this myself fast, and then I'm going to go back to quick services that you can start selling yourself to make money right away from home.

So if you hung in here with me all this way, but you're still in category one where you're thinking, I don't really want to create all this content, or I don't really want to put any of this out there, I don't have time to do that, but I just want to make money doing what I'm good at already, temporarily.

You're looking for a temp internet job.

Temporary business job.

Hydrating one more time and then we'll wrap up with that topic, because this is really good stuff and I hope you stuck around long enough to listen.

All right, let me use the example of someone who -  Let me use my own example.

When I started creating videos, I started doing live Q&A videos, just like this one, in the fall of 2016, and I knew how to do all of the following steps myself.

If you don't know how to do the steps that you would need after, first of all, if you're somebody out there who you're like, "I can also talk a blue streak like Jen can about all of my own topics and I'm willing to do that, but then I don't know how to do all the next steps technically."

I knew how to do those things on my own, which got me going faster.

But if you don't know how to do those things, there are people who can do what you need to create the platform out of this for very cheaply.

Because what you need to do is you need to download this, you need to download your live video, after you talk.

You need to upload it to YouTube so that people can find you.

You need to write out some captions and keywords so that people actually are finding you for what you're talking about, because you can't just upload a video and have it be blank because then nobody can find you even if it's really good content.

The search engine cannot listen to your video, they have to read text of what it's about.

So, that's an important part.

Then you need to, if you want to create a blog post really quickly, out of audio content and I've been doing this a lot lately because I'm updating my current blog with content that has been audio or video for a long time.

Recently had all transcribed on

Transcribed so that now all that has to be done, not necessarily by me, but it could be by me if I was just trying to save money and work quickly, is clean that transcription up into a readable blog post because the way that you talk in long streams of consciousness might not be the best way that people want to read it as a blog post, post it as a post on your website, embed the YouTube video, embed the Facebook video.

You could do either one or both.

It doesn't matter.

To send people back.

And then start promoting that content in places where people are looking for it.

1. Now people look for things on YouTube, which is why I said upload on YouTube.

2. They look for things on Google, which is why you want to have the transcription of your video so that Google can find the text of everything that you talked about so that your blog post will actually show up in search results about the topic.

3. And then the other place that people look for things is Pinterest.

So people will, especially in some niches but not others.

Let's go back to talking about the Excel tutorials.

Probably not looking on Pinterest.

YouTube would be very heavy for that.

Now if you're doing recipes on a recipe blog, people are looking on the recipe blogs.

So you need to, in fact, people will look for recipes on Pinterest before they probably even look on Google just because that's such a well known bucket for all of those things.

And people post the Pinterest image and it's got the yummy looking finished product, and then they're like click through for the recipe and it takes them to your blog.

So that's how people are driving traffic and every time I say the words driving traffic, this is what I'm talking about.

You have to have places where you have put little breadcrumbs for your content so that people can come back to your website.

Okay, so the point I was trying to make was, I knew how to do all these things myself.

If you don't know how to do all these things yourself, what you want to do is you want to go on a, I really recommend this website called Fiverr, and it's spelled with two RS.

So F-I-V-E-R-R .com.

And what you can do there is you can search for people who can do each of those little tasks for you.
And I think when it launched the idea was that people would do something for $5.

Now not everything on Fiverr is $5 anymore.

In fact, sometimes when you're searching for, let's say you're searching for somebody to edit and proofread that transcript, because when you get it transcribed by Rev, it's just verbatim of what you said.

But if you want somebody to, either because of a lack of time, it might just be because you don't have time to do it yourself, you could do it yourself, but either it's a lack of time, or a lack of ability, because not everybody's great at that, and you got to get real with yourself.

If you're like, "Written communication is not my strength. I can talk and I can be on video, but I don't want to edit and proofread my written content," somebody on Fiverr could say, "Okay, for $5 I'll do a first draft," or whatever.

For $10 or $25 they'll offer upgrades of how much service that they can give you.

Now for every single task that I'm talking about, there will be somebody on Fiverr who can do it very cheaply and very quickly and it's their expertise.

So I promise you they do these things all day long and they can get it done.

For example, if you wanted to set up a new website, you could go on there and be like, "I don't know how to set up a website.

I'm looking for somebody who can just literally set up a blog for me," and they'll be somebody who can do it for 50 bucks.

It might just be a way to start.

Now the thing, sorry, distracted I'm distracted with messages that are popping up.

Not the chat.

But the thing that I want to say is that if you are somebody who, for example, you're really good at doing those things, I can download and upload videos on YouTube, you don't have to do all the things.

I'm just saying.

Any one piece of this step-by-step process that you're really good at and you want to temporarily make money online, go list yourself on Fiverr right now so that people can start hiring you to do that, to do those things.

Because it might take you 30 minutes to do one of these tasks that somebody else has no clue how to do and you make $50 off of that, or whatever.

I don't know how much you charging for the thing that you're doing, but just don't think of it as only $5 tasks.

Think of it as I'm contracting out a very specific short term project.

They're going to send me all the information that I need, I'm going to complete it, and then I'm going to send it back to them.

That's how Fiverr essentially works.

I myself have spent several hundred dollars on Fiverr over the past probably five days even, getting some things done quickly that had been sitting on my plate for too long.

A lot of those involved editing.

Because when I get things transcribed they don't read well, and I could sit there and make it into -  But I don't know, something about reading your own content, you're like, "I can't do this but somebody else can," and it'll be done.

Here's another thing that I knew how to do when I started that saved me time, is I knew how to do my own graphic design.

If you know how to do graphic design and that's something that maybe you do in your job and you don't necessarily want to become a full time graphic designer with your own clients everywhere, that would be an easy service that you could put on Fiverr right now, or even just reach out to people that you know, who are starting websites, or what have you, and just say, "Hey, over the next couple of months I'm doing some short term projects and here's my price list." Boom, there you go.

Because there's a whole lot of people that do not know how to make just an easy logo or something that you can even do in -  There's an online program called Canva and even if you're someone right now who does have the time to dive in and is thinking, "I'm going to go all in on this right now because I have time to create a long-term full time business."

There are so many pieces of things that have to be done that you could teach yourself how to do.

You could do your own graphic design.

You can do your own website.

You can do your own editing.

You can do your own social media sharing.

But there is a learning curve and I would rather you spend a couple hundred dollars outsourcing some of these little things, "Hey, I just need somebody to figure out a logo and header for my Facebook page, or a header for my YouTube channel, or a blog design," whatever.

Get other people to do that, because you're going to spend hundreds, not hundreds, many tens of hours teaching yourself how to use a graphic design program, when literally for some people who are really good at graphic design, can knock these things out and approximately 15 minutes.

So that's again, if you don't have the knowledge and you have some money to put into this, I promise you that is going to get you going so much faster because your goal is to, your highest priority task really, in creating, for example, a long-term coaching business, or a long-term speaking authority, any of that stuff, you need to be creating your content.

You don't need to be messing around with how to install a WordPress theme because on Fiverr there are people who will do that for $5.

So I just want to open your eyes up about that part.

Whether you are buying services to help you get going, or whether you get on there and start selling services because you're like, "Yeah, I can do that.

And it's so easy." Heck, going back to that Excel example, I think that, I've never looked on Fiverr for help with Excel, but there probably are people who are like, "I will clean up your pivot tables for 15 bucks." And for somebody who is, I don't know, whether they're working from home, whether it's their own business, or just struggling in their job, or they have to create this presentation or something, if they can get on there and outsource that small piece of their work, that makes a lot more sense than them getting going into Excel training for 17 hours to figure out how to do one thing.

All right, so be thinking about that.

How you can leverage what you have available right now and start to see that it is possible and that there is nothing holding you back from at least starting to, one, choose a platform and figure out what it's going to be about.

So that's hopefully what you've taken away from this video today is some considerations in your next steps of which of those three groups do you fall in and how do you want to proceed?

 How much time do you have available right now?

 What is your financial situation right now?

 And where do you want to go with it long-term?

 Do you really want another side project?

 Do you really want a bigger business that you're a major authority in?

 And then remember, if you do want to do that authority type of business where you're really known for your expertise, do that one first.

Do that one first.

And then later you can come back and do your recipe blog.

All right guys, thank you so much for listening and I'll be back tomorrow.

Haven't chosen, I do not have a set time yet, but if you just want to get notifications for when I'm doing live videos, you can turn those on, on this Facebook page and you can send me a message or leave a comment about things you want to know more about, things that you have been too afraid to ask, basically anything.

I'm willing to break it down and just explain it because this stuff is so much more accessible than I think people realize it is.

All right, so until then, take amazing care of yourselves and I'll see you next time.


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